First batch of Pickles

For this project, it feels like to story of the Little Red Hen. Not the part of the story where she does all the work but will not share at the end, since none of the other’s would help her. But more because getting to this point went through soContinue Reading

Feed Your Head

How much do you read? I am an avid reader and tend to have 2-3 books going at a time – in addition to my all too large doses of social media and the News of the Day. Some are for fun. Some are because I want to learn something.Continue Reading

Are we in the middle of a revolution now? Has World War 3 already started? Will we (collectively) only know about it in 30 years when we read about it in  the neatly printed government text books from our government apartments outside the government work camps we are herded into each day?Continue Reading

Like a tree falling in the forest, so are the ripples in a pond.

“Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” – Dalai Lama Sometimes you might wonder if your small actions can actually make a difference. Do the choices you make have an impact outside of yourself? Consider, thisContinue Reading

If you missed Part 1 or Part 2 of this series, you might want to go back and read them. Mad Max 1 showed a world where people and society were breaking down. The people are living, but the fabric of society was ripping. The line between morals and valuesContinue Reading

Anyone wanting a clearer understanding of what life could be like during the zombie apocalypse would do well to study the Mad Max movies.They were a funny set of movies that evolved over their 36 year run. And if Mad Max Fury Road in 2015 shows anything, it is thatContinue Reading

Victory Garden in the Zombie Apocalypse When I began research on what to do with my garden this year, one of the resources that I found was about “Victory Gardens.”  So I must begin with everyone’s favorite resource for interesting (albeit potentially flawed) information, Wikipedia: “Victory gardens, also called warContinue Reading

Part of the reason for creating the garden at our suburban home is to bring us all a little closer to nature.  They are similar to the reasons given by preppers and people afraid of the possibility of a coming zombie apocalypse. And since I read and watch a lotContinue Reading