Wednesday January 2, 2019 BALSAMIC MOON PHASE:  release, transform, healing,  prepare for the new MOON IN SAGITTARIUS   I have started a diet this morning. Back to my cleanse diet and this time to start out the New Year. What I follow is called the Real Food Reset. It isContinue Reading

Get up, Get up , Get your body in Motion I was inspired this morning on a Facebook Live with fellow blogger Ryan Biddulph. He is a blogger who blogs about . . . blogging, and how you can create a great life . . . blogging. He is aContinue Reading

Today is Health Tuesday. I am designating different days of the week for writing topics. This is mainly because I have been neglecting this page and need to encourage myself to keep on keeping on. Today’s advice comes to us from a book I am reading: Eat Well, Move Well,Continue Reading

This year, a new Television series began that I will not be watching – but my family does. It’s called A Million Little Things. I think it is about a group of friends and how their lives are intertwined and enmeshed. There may have been a suicide involved and everyoneContinue Reading

Getting Out by Ryan Westfield

Getting Out by Ryan Westfield My rating: 5 of 5 stars It’s great when you find the right book at the right time. And as I am writing a blog myself that focuses on prepping, its so much fun to see all the things I am researching and writing aboutContinue Reading

Monsanto's Roundup cleverly displayed at out local grocery store

This news is so major I am even willing to link an article from CNN As Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion notes: Juror awards near $300mill to a man who got cancer from Monsanto’s Roundup. Work to in understand the Deep State/Nazi infiltration of the food, agriculture, and theContinue Reading

I just came across an article that gets right to the point about Tap Water in Natural News: Please check out the article, but I wanted to comment on each of the reasons: Fluoride – addressed in a previous article. Not a good idea to ingest neuro toxins. ChlorineContinue Reading

Fluoride in our water supply is one of the most frightening health issues facing our world today. Our schools teach kids about brushing your teeth with Fluoride toothpaste. Dentists bathe children’s teeth in toxic Fluoride slurry at age 6. How many people ask about why we are using a toxicContinue Reading