Tuesday April 29, 2024 @8:15 AM
– Disseminating Moon Phase – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience

– Moon in CAPRICORN – Void of Course 11:19 AM – 11:20 AM Moving to Aquarius
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – April 30th – – Set Eggs, Host a Party, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Slow Growth, Dig Post Holes, Kill Plant Pests, Wash Wooden Floors, Paint, Wean, Potty Train, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Jar Jams/Jellies
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – April – 30th – Excellent time to kill weeds, briars, poison ivy, and other plant pests.
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: – 20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Aries SUN/MOON – 20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter (EARTH – 20 LIBRA: a Jewish rabbi performing his duties )
SUN – 11 TAURUS: a woman sprinkling flowers
EARTH – 11 SCORPIO: a drowning man is being rescued
I have been asked more than a few time whether I can get the day’s astrology chart up earlier – in time to do something with the information. It seems logical, so this will be my plan.
I have always been lackadaisical about getting the chart up in the morning. This is more due to the fact that I use the post each day as an excuse to write. If I write in the morning, I post. If I do not finish, I hold off ’til later.
I think that if this is to be a resource, it needs to be timely and predictable. So I will be sure it is up on time. And when I have more to say, post it separately.
It will be posted each morning on Astrogardens.com and on the Oracle Report Facebook page. I will not be emailing it unless enough people say they want it.
Let me know your thoughts.
Whenever you post, it’s appreciated! Thanks for all you do! ❤️