Last night, I picked my first batch of spearmint for the year. I am an absolute fan of Mint Iced Tea – Ice Tea in general. I drink a lot, so I am careful what it is that I am drinking (specifically that it is natural, has few calories). AndContinue Reading

/I am sharing this letter from a friend who shared it on Facebook. This is a hard subject for most to read about. But the letter brings up the points important for people to know and consider. ~andrew   Brilliant letter to parents from Ashley Everly Cates who also happens toContinue Reading

As of now, I am completing my 3rd week of the 30 day Real Food Reset. This is the third time I am undertaking this diet in the last 6 years, I am pretty clear on what I need to eat. Though it is not always easy. What were/are myContinue Reading

If you missed Part 1 or Part 2 of this series, you might want to go back and read them. Mad Max 1 showed a world where people and society were breaking down. The people are living, but the fabric of society was ripping. The line between morals and valuesContinue Reading

Tuesday, May 15, 2018 FROM ORACLE REPORT ( Happy New Moon in Taurus! The new month offers us the gain of a new opportunity or the regaining of one that we thought was lost to us, specifically by following the line of integrity and crossing the line of possibility.  As weContinue Reading

Happy Monday! Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year – R.W.EMERSON Balsamic Moon Phase:  release, transform, prepare for the new Moon in Taurus Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “through imagination a lost opportunity is regained” Emissaries of the Aeon Sophia: Chinnamasta (She WhoContinue Reading

Tuesday May 8, 2018 Third Quarter Moon Phase:  revise, realign Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 11:11 pm ET/3:11 am UT Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “through imagination a lost opportunity is regained” Emissaries of the Aeon Sophia: Chinnamasta (She Who Expands the Mind) and Shodashi (She Who Aligns With The Highest and Best)Continue Reading

Anyone wanting a clearer understanding of what life could be like during the zombie apocalypse would do well to study the Mad Max movies.They were a funny set of movies that evolved over their 36 year run. And if Mad Max Fury Road in 2015 shows anything, it is thatContinue Reading

I often see funny, interesting and thought provoking meme’s on Facebook worthy of sharing and further discussion. This is one such meme as it speaks to many of the issues that we face today – and more importantly the issues that have brought me to writing this blog. The soContinue Reading