May Day! Tuesday May 1, 2018
May Day! May Day! – All in the happy way of course. And not for the S.O.S. kind of reason. This is an interesting day, especially considering the way it has been handled in the US. On the surface (and in schools – where I learned about it in myContinue Reading
Happy Monday! April 30, 2018
Happy Monday! Ask yourself what makes you come alive. Then go and do that. Have a great week! Full Moon Phase: clarity, illumination, inspiration Moon in Scorpio Sun: 11 Taurus – “a woman sprinkling flowers” Earth: 11 Scorpio – “a drowning man being rescued” Tzolkin: 10 Owl Skill: know thereContinue Reading
Lunar Phases – Pt.1
I think in honor of the Full Moon phase today, I am beginning an extended lesson on The Moon. Part of AstroGardens is examining and living the affect of astronomy and astrology on my garden. Anyone who has followed astrology or Oracle Report over the past 8 years will know thatContinue Reading
Real Food Reset – Going on a Diet Today 4-27-2018
In the not too distant past, I tried an interesting diet. Actually it was 4 or 5 years ago, and also beginning in the month of May. I came across the diet while tooling around on Facebook at the time. I had actually decided that I was going to doContinue Reading
What’s a Victory Garden?
Victory Garden in the Zombie Apocalypse When I began research on what to do with my garden this year, one of the resources that I found was about “Victory Gardens.” So I must begin with everyone’s favorite resource for interesting (albeit potentially flawed) information, Wikipedia: “Victory gardens, also called warContinue Reading
Drugs Pt.2 – Eat Food that is as Close to as Nature Intended
Eat Food that is as Close to as Nature Intended Making lifestyle choices with your diet are rarely easy. People make food choices for so many different reasons. And often we do not even think about it. Like why do you buy Skim milk vs Whole milk? Is it OreosContinue Reading
What Drugs Are You On? – Pt.1
Back about 8 years ago, I heard a seminar where this question was posed. At that point, people were looking around the room to see who the guilty parties might be. It can be a controversial question, depending on the company of course. But the context was not necessarily aboutContinue Reading
The World We Want
Part of the reason for creating the garden at our suburban home is to bring us all a little closer to nature. They are similar to the reasons given by preppers and people afraid of the possibility of a coming zombie apocalypse. And since I read and watch a lotContinue Reading
Looking Forward – New Year – New Moon in Aries
April 15, 2018 At 9:57PM EST this evening, the Astrological New Year will commence. This marks an important time with this blog mostly because it is a beginning point. I launched it on February 25th. And though I have added a few posts and some design work, this new yearContinue Reading
Garden Astrology – The Almanac
Do you read the Farmer’s Almanac? If you don’t do you know anything about it? Starting at the beginning of my 2018 Harris Farmer’s Almanac, the first line to its readers: “Truth is indeed stranger than fiction” –Harris Almanac 2018 And in reading the Almanac, you find thisContinue Reading