Happy Monday! July 30, 2018
Happy Monday! A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. Dream big today and go out and do it!Continue Reading
Happy Monday! A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. Dream big today and go out and do it!Continue Reading
Fluoride in our water supply is one of the most frightening health issues facing our world today. Our schools teach kids about brushing your teeth with Fluoride toothpaste. Dentists bathe children’s teeth in toxic Fluoride slurry at age 6. How many people ask about why we are using a toxicContinue Reading
I began asking about the water I drink after a trip to Miami, FL. Our local water in Reading, PA never bothered me. In fact, I thought it tasted pretty good. I grew up in Southern California, where the water is undrinkable. We always bought Sparkletts bottled water (the greenContinue Reading
Happy Monday! “Think of HAPPY thoughts and you will fly!” -Peter PanContinue Reading
How much do you read? I am an avid reader and tend to have 2-3 books going at a time – in addition to my all too large doses of social media and the News of the Day. Some are for fun. Some are because I want to learn something.Continue Reading
Are we in the middle of a revolution now? Has World War 3 already started? Will we (collectively) only know about it in 30 years when we read about it in the neatly printed government text books from our government apartments outside the government work camps we are herded into each day?Continue Reading
“Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” – Dalai Lama Sometimes you might wonder if your small actions can actually make a difference. Do the choices you make have an impact outside of yourself? Consider, thisContinue Reading
Starting Tuesday morning I will have completed the 30 day Reset Diet I started last month (on April 29th in fact). So I will be able to eat food again. I say this to be funny because the point of the diet was to eat “Real Food” for 30 Days. ItContinue Reading
Happy Monday! Remember that your natural state is joy. – Wayne DyerContinue Reading
Last night, I picked my first batch of spearmint for the year. I am an absolute fan of Mint Iced Tea – Ice Tea in general. I drink a lot, so I am careful what it is that I am drinking (specifically that it is natural, has few calories). AndContinue Reading
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