Saturday-Sunday June 18-19, 2022 – Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back, distribution – Moon in AQUARIUS – – Retrograde Planets – Saturn – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  June 18th-19th – Brew Beer, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Potty Train, Wean, Mow to Slow Growth, Castrate Farm Animals, Go Hunting, Set Eggs –Continue Reading

Wednesday June 15, 2022 – Full Moon Phase – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience – Moon in CAPRICORN – – Retrograde Planets – Saturn – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  June 14th -15th – Potty Train, Wean, Mow to Slow Growth, Prune Trees, Castrate Farm Animals, Slaughter – Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  JuneContinue Reading

Friday April 22, 2022 – Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back, distribution – Moon in CAPRICORN – – Black Moon Opposes the Moon: 4/20 – 4/22 – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  April 20th – 22nd – Potty Train, Wean, Mow to Slow Growth, Prune Trees, Castrate Farm Animals – PlantingContinue Reading

Wednesday March 23, 2022 –Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back, distribution – Moon in Sagittarius – – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  March 22nd – 23rd – Dry Fruits and Vegetables, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Quit Smoking, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Potty Train, Wean, Perform Demolition, WashContinue Reading

Tuesday March 22, 2022 –Full Moon Phase – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience – Moon in SCORPIO– – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  March 22nd – 23rd – Dry Fruits and Vegetables, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Quit Smoking, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Potty Train, Wean, Perform Demolition, Wash Windows, WashContinue Reading

Saturday March 12, 2022 – First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression – Moon in Cancer– – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  March 12th –  – Bake, Cut Hair to Increase Growth, Start Diet to Gain Weight, Wax Floors, Cut Firewood, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, GetContinue Reading

Friday March 11, 2022 – First Quarter Moon Phase @5:45 AM – step out, take action, breaking away, expression – Moon in Cancer– Void of Course 2:24 AM 3/11 moving to Cancer – Black Moon Days – March 9-11 – Moon will conjunct the Black Moon – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  March 11thContinue Reading

Tuesday March 8, 2022 – First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression – Moon in Taurus – Void of Course 11:48 PM – 5:27 AM 3/9 Moving to Gemini – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  March  8th – 10th – Cut Firewood, Kill Plant Pests, Dig Holes, Mow toContinue Reading

Happy Monday! February 28, 2022 – Balsamic Moon Phase – release, transform, healing, forgiveness, prepare for the new – Moon in Aquarius– Void of Course 9:01 PM – 3:35 PM PM 3/1 Moving to Pisces – Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  February 27th – 28th – Jar Jams/Jellies, Cut Hair to Slow Growth,Continue Reading

Thursday February 24, 2022 – 3rd Quarter Moon Phase – realign, revise, reorient, surrender, complete – Moon in Sagittarius – – Black Moon Days – 24th – 26th  – The Moon is opposing the Black Moon Carries the energy of 25 GEMINI: a gardener trimming large palm trees – Best Days (from the Farmer’sContinue Reading