Tuesday September 17, 2024
– Full Moon Phase @10:34 PM – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience

– Retrogrades in 2024 –
– Lunar Eclipse

- Pluto – May 2 – October 12
- Saturn – June 30 – November 15
- Neptune – July 2 – December 7
- Chiron – July 26 – December 29
- Uranus – September 1 – January 25
– Moon in PISCES –
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) Sep – 17th – Slaughter, Go Hunting, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Slow Growth, Wean, Potty Train, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Brew Beer
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – September –16th – 17th – Extra good for vine crops. First day is a favorable day for planting aboveground crops. Second day is a good day for transplanting. Second day is also a good day for planting root crops.
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: – 20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe, God of the South – Waves and Music
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in VIRGO SUN/MOON – 12 VIRGO: a bride with her veil snatched away (EARTH – 12 PISCES: an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood)
SUN – 26 VIRGO: a boy with censer serves near the priest at the altar
EARTH – 26 PISCES: a New Moon reveals that it’s time for people to go ahead with their different projects
It’s the Economy, Stupid!
Famous words from Democrat political strategist James Carville when discussing why Bill Clinton won against George Bush. Elections, more often than not, hinge on issues of the Economy and whether a candidate will help lead us in a better direction.
To a certain extent, The Economy was a big issue during the 2020 election. 2020 was an exceptionally bad year (Thanks Covid). The Democrats used this as one of their talking points against the Republicans. And the economy was down, however Trump’s policies were not the reason (Thanks Covid). Unemployment was up (Thanks Covid). And the Democrats and lapdog media used this (and many other themes) to lie their way into the White House.
Despite Covid, the Economy was not doing badly under Trump’s policies. It took some serious effort by the Democrats to really fuck it up. And I would like to review a few on these in this and future posts.
The Media will never allow the stories to be told about it. And frankly, Trump is not that good at it. So I will get into it.
Energy Policy – Specifically OIL
Petroleum is so close to the center of Energy Policy issues. It is a source of energy. It is a source of BIG money. It is the source of Global political power.
The Trump administration had exerted a level of power that other globalists did not like. He/we quite simply, flooded the market with oil and drove the price down. We had oil reserves (in the ground and strategically stored). We had gas capacity thanks to fracking. We had the Canadian oil that would be pipelined down through the Keystone Pipeline.
Trump ran our country’s oil policy like a business. And there was no other global power structure that could compete.
What it meant for us: Low prices for gasoline (despite huge gas tax rates in specific states). Low prices for transportation – translating to lower prices for goods throughout the country. Low energy prices for heating and cooling. More jobs in Energy and related fields. More money in the average American’s pocket – prosperity. It worked.
My Controversial Conspiracy Theory
The global elites could not have this situation. They WOULD NOT cede the power structure of the global economy to Trump. And they could not beat him in the market. So they had to do it in other ways.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – The UN (aka the political arm of the Globalist Cabal) developed a long range plan for control of the world economy. It has gone through multiple iterations and revisions, but remains pretty much the same. Embrace Critical Climate Theory “fueled” by false science (global warming due to burning of Fossil fuels – OIL). Replace it with inferior “sustainable” power sources (solar, wind, hydro, geothermal) that they could control. Then create political structures (Paris Climate Accord and the UN) to help fund initiatives around the world, ie. make the rich pay for development of the poor nations, AKA Marxism.
The Green New Deal – A cute document handed to freshman bartender congressperson Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in 2019 outlining an agenda to comply with Agenda 2030. It was brilliantly crafted by the cabal and openly embraced by every left wing politician and most of the Democrats, the entire media establishment and all but written into every textbook published since. Who cares that AOC likely could not pronounce half the words in the document, she is still credited as one of its authors. Also who cares that the cost to implement everything in the Green New Deal added up to about $83 Trillion (and that was before the inflation of the past 3.5 years)
The Biden Presidency – Upon gaining the Keys to the front door of the White House, Joe Biden (had not yet acquired the illustrious title of Brandon he would get in about 9 months) signed about 42 executive orders, including:
- Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline
- Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and the World Health Organization
- No new oil drilling on federal lands
Here is where these oil policies had their effects:

Still up to today, Democrat strategists try to say that their policies had nothing to do with the price of Oil or inflation. It is still part of the cornerstone of the Biden 2.0 presidential campaign. Of course this chart only extends to 2022. I have another to bring it up to date:

In addition to these very specific attacks on the Petroleum markets and their obvious effects, there was a second line of attack against the industry. DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. You might say, “What does this ridiculous crap have to do with the price of Oil?” You will be surprised.
You see, by embracing DEI, the Biden administration exerted its influence on financial markets through the preference for ESG or Environmental, Social and Governance investing. Plain and simple. Companies that followed accepted ESG policies would be given special treatment by the banking and investment industries. The Oil industry is not acceptable to ESG policies. Therefore, oil companies received lower investment ratings. Oil companies have to pay more for money (loans) because they are not socially acceptable.
Now ESG was around before Biden. But under the new regime, it kicked into high gear. The message from the US Government – put them out of business. Drive the price of oil up to create preference for more “sustainable” energy. Or better yet, make them change their business model in favor of the new Regime.
SMH – Why Would They Do It?
Here is where you have to look at all of this from a higher level. Like 10,000 feet in the air higher. I called it my Conspiracy Theory because I have been laughed at for stating it before. Usually by left wing climate zombies, but they are enough.
I have stated a few of the factors supporting my theory. But there are a lot more and it’s late and I need my sleep.
Playing follow the money often uncovers many many more bodies that need to be examined. And I cannot pretend the I have dug them all up. But what I have shows a pretty rough pattern of deceit. It also shows proof that the Democrats are definitely NOT in the business of Making America Great.
The question remains, who are they serving. I have my suspicions. But they are no doubt incomplete.
Still shaking my head!