Happy Monday! May 30, 2022

Happy Monday! May 30, 2022 – New Moon

–New Moon Phase – begin, initiate, wish, project, set an intention

– Moon in GEMINI

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  May 30th – 31st – Cut Firewood, Kill Plant Pests, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, Host a Party, Travel for Pleasure, Write

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –   May 29th – 31st – Any seed planted now will tend to rot. First day is a good harvest day.

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Goddess Who Guides

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Ian Achonesis– God of the East, God of Wisdom

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in ARIES “ a woman sprinkling flowers  ” (&  a drowning man is being rescued  )

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “ a flock of wild geese ”

SUN – 10 GEMINI: an airplane performing a nose dive

EARTH – 10 SAGITTARIUS: a theatrical representation of a golden haired “goddess of opportunity”

Happy Monday! Start something new and trust in the magic of beginnings.

The New Moon in Gemini began at 7:30 AM EST

SUN – 10 GEMINI: an airplane performing a nose dive

EARTH – 10 SAGITTARIUS: a theatrical representation of a golden haired “goddess of opportunity”

BLACK MOON – 06 CANCER: game birds feathering their nests

SOUTH NODE – 23 SCORPIO: a rabbit transformed into a fairy

NORTH NODE – 23 TAURUS: a jewelry shop filled with the most magnificent jewels

PLUTO – 29 CAPRICORN: a woman reading tea leaves

JUPITER – 26 AQUARIUS: a garage man testing a car’s battery with a hydrometer

NEPTUNE – 26 PISCES: a New Moon reveals that it’s time for people to go ahead with their different projects

SATURN – 04 ARIES: two lovers strolling through a secluded walk

MARS – 05 ARIES: a triangle with wings

CHIRON – 16 ARIES: brownies (fairies) dancing in the setting sun

VENUS – 03 TAURUS: steps up to a lawn blooming with clover

URANUS– 17 TAURUS: a symbolic battle between swords and torches

MERCURY – 27 TAURUS: an old Indian woman selling beads

The New Moon comes amidst interesting times. in the United Staes, it is the Memorial Day Holiday. It is when we remember all those who Died in service of the military. This is not to by mixed up with Armed Forces Day (honoring those presently serving) or Vererans Day (honoring anyone who ever served in the military).

Most countries have these military holidays. Many people just accept them as a paid vacation day. Others who have lost friends and family honor it more closely.

I personally only think of it as the holiday that we have around the same time as my birthday (May 29th – Sabian Symbol of A Quiver Filled with Arrows). Isn’t ot great to know that you will always have a picnic celebration for your birthday?

Every few years my birthday falls on that day. Back in 1967 when I was born, it was Memorial Day. And the first of many Happy Monday’s in my life.

This New Moon cycle at 10 Gemini: An airplane performing a nosedive, is one to pay attention to. Mercury is still retrograding – and will until June 2 when it stations dirct again. For those of you who do not experience the full joy Mercury Rerograde, I hope all has been well for you.

For me, I am just hoping it wil allow me to write more freely and with enthusiasm.

Keep on the lookout. I have lots to say!

1 Comment

  1. wishing you a new cycle full of inspiration and opportunities.

    Thank you for overcoming Mercury-retrograde to post a “happy monday”, much appreciated !
    Patiently looking foreward to your next post
    – NiSha

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