Ash Wednesday – March 2, 2022 – New Moon

Ash Wednesday – March 2, 2022 – New Moon

What a Great Day for a New Moon

– New Moon Phase @ 12:34 PM – begin, initiate, wish, project, set an intention

– Moon in Aquarius– Void of Course 9:01 PM – 3:35 PM PM 3/1 Moving to Pisces

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  March 2nd –Cut Hair to Increase Growth, Start Diet to Gain Weight, Potty Train, Wean, Wax Floors, Cut Firewood, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, Castrate Farm Animals, Get Married, Hatch Eggs

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –   March 1st – 2nd  – Good for planting cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and other vine crops. Set strawberry plants. First day is a good day for transplanting. First day is also a favorable day for planting beets, carrots, radishes, salsify, turnips, peanuts, and other root crops. Second day is a good day for planting aboveground crops.

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Matangi, The Goddess of Soft Breezes

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth– God of the North, God of Enlightenment

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Aquarius: “a barometer ” (& “an old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage”)

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”

SUN –  12 PISCES: an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood

EARTH – 12 VIRGO: a bride with her veil snatched away

Energy for the New Moon in Pisces 3/2/2022 @12:34 PM

SUN –  13 PISCES: a sword used in many battles in a museum

MOON–13 PISCES: a sword used in many battles in a museum

EARTH – 13 VIRGO: a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria

JUPITER – 15 PISCES: an officer drilling his men in simulated attack

NEPTUNE – 23 PISCES: a “materializing medium” giving a séance

CHIRON – 11 ARIES: the ruler of a nation

URANUS – 12 TAURUS: a young couple walk down Main Street window shopping

NORTH NODE – 26 TAURUS: a Spaniard serenading his senorita

SOUTH NODE – 26 SCORPIO: Indians making camp in new territory

BLACK MOON – 26 GEMINI: winter frost in the woods

VENUS – 27 CAPRICORN: a mountain pilgrimage

MARS – 28 CAPRICORN: a large aviary

PLUTO – 28 CAPRICORN: a large aviary

SATURN – 19 AQUARIUS: a forest fire quenched

MERCURY – 20 AQUARIUS: a large white dove bearing a message

A lot of politics mixes with some potential help from above.

The Sun is being activated by its conjunction with Jupiter at the New Moon – An unused mathom in a museum activated by an officer drilling his troops.

Chiron at a Ruler of a Nation – will someone with a backbone stand up for all that should be right in this world?

A pilgrimage Making Camp, An aviary a quenched forest fire and a white dove

We come to the end of the Astrological year – the Balsamic phase. Its is a dreamy and ethereal time. Some of that energy can calm the nerves of an anxious time.

Ash Wednesday

Growing up in a protestant household, this day was acknowledged, but not much else. We were Episcopalian. And for anyone who does not know, that means Catholic without the Pope. We also did not really care much for Fat Tuesday. We were in California. It did not really translate to us as kids.

It meant the beginning of Lent. And when Johnnie was on the Spot at Church, they would often have a weekly club to go to – at least they did for a few years. I remember one year they wanted to discuss the Narnia Books – specifically The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. Since I had already read it, they had me dress up as Mr Tumnus and pass out Turkish Delight (it is really gross BTW).

I found that dressing up as things was always a theme in Christian Education, growing up. Though exactly how putting on a robe, sandals and a beard translated to a greater understanding of the Almighty was never all that clear.

But anyways, back to the Ashes. I really did not know much about that until I grew up and suddenly on Ash Wednesday noticed people walking around with their heads smudged. It taught me more about virtue signaling than anything else.

So all you Christians out there. If you are into it, then go for it.