Happy Monday! August 20, 2018
Happy Monday! Now is the time to start living the life you always imagined. Live your Dreams!Continue Reading
Happy Monday! Now is the time to start living the life you always imagined. Live your Dreams!Continue Reading
Getting Out by Ryan Westfield My rating: 5 of 5 stars It’s great when you find the right book at the right time. And as I am writing a blog myself that focuses on prepping, its so much fun to see all the things I am researching and writing aboutContinue Reading
What do you do about pests in the garden? And from this, I mean bugs and animals that can damage or kill the plants in your garden. It is funny what I learned about garden pests as a kid. Growing up in the 70’s that meant that most of whatContinue Reading
Happy Monday! It’s summer here in the US. And Summer reminds us to just play. Have fun and enjoy the game!Continue Reading
Some Perspectives about Water from Some World Travelers I have Known I grew up in Southern California in the 70’s and 80’s. We were always in a drought condition, and would be yelled at for watering the lawn and washing your car. Tap water tasted like hell, but we alwaysContinue Reading
I just came across an article that gets right to the point about Tap Water in Natural News: https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-08-03-whats-in-your-water-6-reasons-why-you-should-never-drink-from-the-tap.html Please check out the article, but I wanted to comment on each of the reasons: Fluoride – addressed in a previous article. Not a good idea to ingest neuro toxins. ChlorineContinue Reading
Happy Monday! This is your Monday Morning reminder that you are AMAZING and you can handle ANYTHING. Have a great week!Continue Reading
Happy Monday! A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. Dream big today and go out and do it!Continue Reading
I began asking about the water I drink after a trip to Miami, FL. Our local water in Reading, PA never bothered me. In fact, I thought it tasted pretty good. I grew up in Southern California, where the water is undrinkable. We always bought Sparkletts bottled water (the greenContinue Reading
Happy Monday! “Think of HAPPY thoughts and you will fly!” -Peter PanContinue Reading
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