How to mark Your Calendar

This Christmas season, did you acquire at least one calendar as a gift (whether it be from a friend, someone in your family, an insurance agent, the neighborhood realtor)? We begin 2019 with some fireworks and a toast and a new calendar. We prepare for another trip around the sun.Continue Reading

Tuesday, January 1, 2019 Lunar Phase: 3rd Quarter Phase Moon in Scorpio Today is the first day of the Gregorian calendar year. And the first entry on our trip around this next year. I will be updating the calendar page throughout the month. I welcome your comments, thoughts, additions andContinue Reading

Know Thyself is but one of the 147 odd Delphic Maxim’s (listed below – thanks to the research of the sharers at Wikipedia) that were attributed to the Oracle at Delphi, in Greece. Were they directly from the God Apollo, the Oracles, the Seven Sages? Who knows. But they becameContinue Reading

A few years ago, I became acquainted with Astrocal. They produce a lunar calendar – noting the moon phase each day. You can choose from a number of options – a daily diary, and a couple different wall calendars. As with all calendars, you must commit to using them. WhenContinue Reading

I have always had trouble finding just the right calendar to track the days, weeks months, years, what have you. Our lives revolve around the passing of days. And the days turn into weeks and months and years. It makes you think pretty hard about how these cycles came intoContinue Reading

Tuesday, May 15, 2018 FROM ORACLE REPORT ( Happy New Moon in Taurus! The new month offers us the gain of a new opportunity or the regaining of one that we thought was lost to us, specifically by following the line of integrity and crossing the line of possibility.  As weContinue Reading

Happy Monday! Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year – R.W.EMERSON Balsamic Moon Phase:  release, transform, prepare for the new Moon in Taurus Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “through imagination a lost opportunity is regained” Emissaries of the Aeon Sophia: Chinnamasta (She WhoContinue Reading

Tuesday May 8, 2018 Third Quarter Moon Phase:  revise, realign Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 11:11 pm ET/3:11 am UT Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “through imagination a lost opportunity is regained” Emissaries of the Aeon Sophia: Chinnamasta (She Who Expands the Mind) and Shodashi (She Who Aligns With The Highest and Best)Continue Reading

Happy Monday! Today is your day to dance lightly with life, sing wild songs of adventure, soar your spirit, unfurl your joy. -JL Hute Disseminating Moon Phase: share, demonstrate, teach Moon in Aquarius Sun: 17 Taurus – “A symbolic battle of swords and torches” Earth: 17 Scorpio – “ a womanContinue Reading