April 15, 2018 At 9:57PM EST this evening, the Astrological New Year will commence. This marks an important time with this blog mostly because it is a beginning point. I launched it on February 25th. And though I have added a few posts and some design work, this new yearContinue Reading


Do you read the Farmer’s Almanac? If you don’t do you know anything about it? Starting at the beginning of my 2018 Harris Farmer’s Almanac, the first line to its readers:   “Truth is indeed stranger than fiction” –Harris Almanac 2018   And in reading the Almanac, you find thisContinue Reading

Transforming our Yard into a Garden Since we moved into this house 20 years ago, we have had gardens. In fact, the gardens around the yard were something that we marveled at from the beginning. We chose this house and moved in in the winter time – February and March.Continue Reading

Talk about planning ahead. I have been incredibly lax in my gardening of late (hell it’s been a couple years since I have done anything worthwhile). And this is with the flowerbeds as well as the vegetable patch. Whether it has been due to time or money, there has beenContinue Reading

Every night I lie in bed The brightest colors fill my head A million dreams are keeping me awake I think of what the world could be A vision of the one I see A million dreams is all it’s gonna take A million dreams for the world we’re gonnaContinue Reading