My organic garden

Talk about planning ahead. I have been incredibly lax in my gardening of late (hell it’s been a couple years since I have done anything worthwhile). And this is with the flowerbeds as well as the vegetable patch. Whether it has been due to time or money, there has been little I have done outside.


That is not to say I haven’t had grand plans and dreams about it either. I always think that this will be the year I get tomatoes in by April or feed my plants regularly or have funds to buy the basics when they are needed. So many excuses. I can’t plant or mow in the rain. I am busy running around this week. I hate trimming those damn bushes and I do not have yard waste bags. It could be any excuse.


So, I have decided that this year I will plan out a garden and get serious about planting the things I want. And what better way to make myself do it than to share it online. There was a movie a few years back called Julie and Julia that told the story of a girl who did something similar with Julia Child’s Cookbook. She decided that she would go through the cookbook and make a recipe each day – and then blog about the experience. Well this will be a Garden Blog of the same sort.


And how will this work? I will be writing each day about my plans and about the progress I am making. There will be pictures of everything and open for commentary from anyone interested in taking part.

So for now, Keep reading and thank you for being a part of this.


  1. I love this idea Andrew. You are starting at the perfect time too; this is when prep work begins. I gardened with my parents for years when living back home, a few decades ago. Fun times.

    1. Author

      Definitely the right time. I have been buying seeds and will start them in the next few weeks. Keep checking back. I will post pictures of the progress of both the seeds and planting the yard. Not much to do there until it stops freezing.

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