National Preparedness Month

September has been declared National Preparedness Month by the US government. This observance is sponsored by FEMA, and is annually renewed by the President like all of the other super important Observance days and months, like National Ice Cream Day and National Donut Day. So many of these things areContinue Reading

Last week we received about 4 inches of rain. We were stuck in an east coast weather pattern that brought tons of moisture up the coast from the Gulf of Mexico. And while our little town is about 20 miles from the real deluge and flooding, we got our fairContinue Reading

Getting Out by Ryan Westfield

Getting Out by Ryan Westfield My rating: 5 of 5 stars It’s great when you find the right book at the right time. And as I am writing a blog myself that focuses on prepping, its so much fun to see all the things I am researching and writing aboutContinue Reading

The Scarecrow

What do you do about pests in the garden? And from this, I mean bugs and animals that can damage or kill the plants in your garden. It is funny what I learned about garden pests as a kid. Growing up in the 70’s that meant that most of whatContinue Reading

Monsanto's Roundup cleverly displayed at out local grocery store

This news is so major I am even willing to link an article from CNN As Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion notes: Juror awards near $300mill to a man who got cancer from Monsanto’s Roundup. Work to in understand the Deep State/Nazi infiltration of the food, agriculture, and theContinue Reading