Happy Monday! April 22, 2019
Happy Monday! Rise up! Start Fresh! See the bright opportunity in each new day!Continue Reading
Happy Monday! Rise up! Start Fresh! See the bright opportunity in each new day!Continue Reading
I have just made my first purchase for the 2019 Gardening season. A new Steel Pickaxe. I have been thinking about how I will organize the garden for 2019. For a long time in fact. After last year, I had to think about how I might improve my experience. MyContinue Reading
Happy Monday! Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life. – Germany Kent In searching for an image for stronger, happier and healthier. I came across this free ebook that is worthy of takingContinue Reading
Happy Monday! Dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.Continue Reading
Happy Monday! Think positive and positive things will happen.Continue Reading
Happy Monday! The future is created by what you do today. Make it something great! Continue Reading
Happy Monday! A new week rolls in. A week full of Promise, Potential and Endless Possibilities. A week for you to pursue your dreams!Continue Reading
Happy Monday! Every day you wake up is an amazing gift and its up to you to make it count.Continue Reading
“When the Student is ready, the Teacher will Appear” This is one of those goto quotes. It is generally attributed to The Buddah. But also many of the Grecian philosophers or any of the big thinkers. It speaks of a pivot point in your life. A time of change. AndContinue Reading
Happy Monday! Always believe something wonderful is about to happen. Continue Reading
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