
A funny thing happened on the way to the Quora today. I came across a funny question that somehow brought these things together. The Question: If humans disappear, and the only thing that survives is a Harry Potter book, would a species discovering it believe that it’s actual history? YouContinue Reading

This year, a new Television series began that I will not be watching – but my family does. It’s called A Million Little Things. I think it is about a group of friends and how their lives are intertwined and enmeshed. There may have been a suicide involved and everyoneContinue Reading

My garden is looking forlorn. Between the buckets of rain we have received in Eastern Pennsylvania and the fact that my son “borrowed” our lawnmower, it is a little over grown. I have not planned to grow much this fall. I am more ready to start winding it down andContinue Reading

I have always had trouble finding just the right calendar to track the days, weeks months, years, what have you. Our lives revolve around the passing of days. And the days turn into weeks and months and years. It makes you think pretty hard about how these cycles came intoContinue Reading

I just found my new favorite site  that talks about Fluoride. I found it shared on Facebook. The article, “Public health fraud: Why water fluoridation is one of the greatest crimes against humanity” details many of the issues that I brought up in a previous article. I still find itContinue Reading