Happy Monday!

Monday September 16, 2024

– Gibbous Moon Phase – trust, analyze, prepare, digest, alchemy

9/16/2024 @ 7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Pluto – May 2 – October 12
  • Saturn – June 30 – November 15
  • Neptune – July 2 – December 7
  • Chiron – July 26 – December 29
  • Uranus – September 1 – January 25

– Moon in CAPRICORN – 

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac)  Sep – 16th – Get Married, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Increase Growth, Dig Holes, Cut Firewood, Wax Floors, Wean, Potty Train, Start Diet to Gain Weight, Cut Hair to Increase Growth

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – September –16th – 17th – Extra good for vine crops. First day is a favorable day for planting aboveground crops. Second day is a good day for transplanting. Second day is also a good day for planting root crops.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe, God of the South – Waves and Music

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in VIRGO SUN/MOON –   12 VIRGO: a bride with her veil snatched away     (EARTH –   12 PISCES: an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood)

SUN – 25 VIRGO: a flag at half-mast in front of public building

EARTH – 25 PISCES: the purging of the priesthood

Happy Monday! Happiness shared is happiness doubled.

The Weaponization of Truth

Question of the day. How do you win a propaganda war when the opposition owns all the avenues of Communication?

In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by 50 companies. In 2011, 90% was controlled by just 6 companies.

Do not kid yourselves. These are not individuals or families. They are not even necessarily the companies you see named. Rather they are owned by American-based institutional asset management firms State Street Bank, Vanguard, Fidelity, and Capital Group.

They are investments made y global elites. And if you think that they are in the business to report the TRUTH, then I hope you are having fun in your life on Sesame Street with Big Bird and Elmo.

I often come back to this pyramid created by Foster Gamble for his Movie THRIVE. THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

I like to think of this pyramid as a lens with which to look at things in the world. Ask yourself what you think is going on when it is happening. Then follow the money up the pyramid.

When it comes to politics, ask yourself who is making the decisions about what we see and hear.

While this has been going on for years, I think that in the last 10-15 years, it has become almost comical. As far as the mainstream message, there is barely even a suggestion of a second or alternate opinion. You hear it from political leaders. It is echoed in the news. It is agreed to on all the daytime talk shows and then joked about on the Nighttime Comedy hours. All paid actors. All saying the same thing. The examples from this weekend show it.

ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: ‘Fact-checking’ Was Only Planned for Trump – they admit their bias straight up. There was no way they planned an honest debate.

CBS Morning show – One on One interview with Hillary Clinton. Handing off the baton as top feminist to Kamala Harris. 15 straight minutes of Democrat party promotion during an election cycle

60 Minutes – Sunday night. First half hour dedicated to looking at the January 6th insurrection from all points of view. They started with the Trump administration DOJ who set up the prosecution of the insurrectionists (and simply followed by the new administration). Top prosecutor says Jan. 6 likely has “most recorded crimes in all of our history.” I guess the prosecutors at the DOJ were absent from May 2020 through the end of the year with Riots throughout the entire country. Maybe Tim Walz will answer some questions about what happened in Minneapolis.

Trump Assassination Attempt #2 – They see it happening and the Government still refuses to offer a full compliment of Secret Service. The response of the Deep State is clear. Trump is the target.

Back to the whole idea of the Weaponization of Truth

I heard this discussion on LionelNation this weekend. We see the blatant and obvious bias in the news media. Last week I called it the Thumb on the Scale. They are doing it in plain sight.

But technology has given us options that did not exist even 20 years ago. Of even 8 years ago.

After Trump won in 2016, the cabal had to try to take over the internet – where they could not control the narrative.

Trump spent 5 years with 70 million followers on Twitter. When the mainstream would not publish, he went around them. He spoke directly to the people and they could not shut him up.

2020 saw the Deep State go full on gestapo against free speech. If you are reading this, then you probably were victims of this online speech crackdown through deplatforming, suspending, shadow banning and every other form of suppression.

Elon took over Twitter and allowed us to speak again. We all did a lot of self censoring in the main spaces.

But then we found others. We have Substack here. Bastian of free speech. Rumble, Patreon and others. None quite as successful as the previous platforms. But still open.

And through these open lines of communication we can weaponize those things we see in the open and the mainstream is suppressing.

So take this truth and spread it. Share it with your friends. force it in front of the eyes of the intentionally blind. Some eyes will open.

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