Happy Monday!

Monday April 29, 2024

– Disseminating Moon Phase – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience

4/29/2024 @ 7:00 AM EST


– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac)  – April 28th – 29th  – Castrate Farm Animals, Prune Trees, Mow to Slow Growth, Wean, Potty Train

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – April 28th – 29th –  Favorable days for planting beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, onions, and other root crops.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Aries SUN/MOON –   20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter   (EARTH –   20 LIBRA: a Jewish rabbi performing his duties  )

SUN –  10 TAURUS: a Red Cross nurse

EARTH – 10 SCORPIO: a fellowship supper reunites old comrades

Happy Monday! There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.

The Dismal Science

My formal collegiate degree is a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from San Diego State University. When I started, I was a Business Major, which at SDSU is a BS (Bachelor of Science) degree. I was never fully able to understand what they felt the difference between and Art and a Science, but accepted it an moved on.

As for why I switched, that is a different story. In my first 2 years, I took all of the lower level business classes, including Accounting, Business Law, Management, Statistics, Business math, Micro and Macro Economics. And when I was searching for a specialty, I was not interested in any offered in the business department.

I think much of it had to do with my outlook on life. I had worked with my father’s business through high school. While I enjoyed accounting, I then asked myself a simple question: Do I want to base my life around balancing fiscal year end?

Answer was no. Which was also the answer to most of the other Business Department specialties from Marketing to Finance.

What brought me to Econ was another thing. I hated my Econ classes. Part of that was my Macro professor. She was from India, impossible to understand, and decidedly left wing in her beliefs. Whether it was her teaching style, accent or the level of boredom with the subject, I just took my B and was done with it.

Micro did not impress me much either, though it was the subject that in the end changed the direction of my studies. That instructor was also a leftists – even worse a real live Granola Liberal. She asked, “How much work are you going to put into this in order to get the grade you want to receive? How much is worth it to you?” She was describing the Law of Diminishing Returns, which I would not fully understand until a few years later when I took calculus – which made it all make sense. But it became the question that challenged me for the rest of my formal education. And showed me that Mathematics was actually an art.

What’s That Got to do with the Dismal Science?

The learning process for me took 4 years. And what that taught me was more about how to think rather than specific subjects. Economics is a mindset and an art more than a specific line of study.

That being said, there are many pieces of Economics that touch our lives. We hear about The Economy and Inflation and Investing and Recessions. But a large portion of the population hearing about it have no idea what they are saying. Nor do they really care.

Mainstream news likes to pull out their favorite Financial Experts to try and explain it. Or worse, the talking heads will try to read about it. More often than not, what is broadcast is presented to prove whatever point they are pushing.

For instance, since 2020, the news has done everything they could do to not explain what a Recession is. Or at least to convince people that we are not in one. They are aided my the brain trust controlling Google and Wikipedia (where discerning folks will go to research. Since 2020, Wikipedia has redefined Recession at least 5 times in order to make the administration look better.

I point this out in order to offer solution to understanding more about Economics. It is kind of a “Bill Nye the Science Guy” education system for Economics presented by Prager University. So it is Bill Nye without the Globalist/Lefty spin on everything. And it is free (You can give a donation if you want to – they will ask).

In their own words:

Economics is one of the most important but misunderstood subjects in our world today. PragerU wants to change that. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about economics in just 5 minutes a day. Sign up now for PragerU’s Economics 101 to get our top-rated economics videos sent straight to your inbox, for free, and receive two incredible special-edition e-books! 


I get nothing for promoting this. I started listing over the weekend and have enjoyed it.

You can see below what they teach:

I think this took me a little by surprise. It is exactly what is needed to supplement the slanted education system we have today. Years of revisionism in the school system has dumbed down the youth of our nation. Add to that the limited and slanted views presented in the media. We all need a little more.

So please check it out!