The Thumb on the Scale

Tuesday September 10, 2024

– Crescent Moon Phase – challenge, growth, struggle, expansion, gathering

9/10/2024 @ 7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Pluto – May 2 – October 12
  • Saturn – June 30 – November 15
  • Neptune – July 2 – December 7
  • Chiron – July 26 – December 29
  • Uranus – September 1 – January 25

– Moon in SAGITTARIUS – 

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac)  Sep – 10th – Travel for Pleasure, Advertise to Sell, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Increase Growth, Dig Holes, Kill Plant Pests, Cut Firewood, Wash Windows, Wean, Potty Train

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – September – 9th – 10th – Clear fencerows, wood lots, and fields, but do no planting.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe, God of the South – Waves and Music

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in VIRGO SUN/MOON –   12 VIRGO: a bride with her veil snatched away     (EARTH –   12 PISCES: an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood)

SUN – 19 VIRGO: a swimming race

EARTH – 19 PISCES: a master instructing his disciple

A Report from Media Research Center – Newsbusters (MRC) revealed some interesting information about the moderators of the Presidential Debate tonight.

MRC analysts reviewed all 100 campaign stories that aired on ABC’s World News Tonight from the day Harris entered the race (July 21) through September 6, including weekends. Our analysts found 25 clearly positive statements about Harris from reporters, anchors, voters or other non-partisan sources, with zero negative statements — none. That computes to a gravity-defying 100% positive spin score for the Vice President.

As for Trump, our analysts found just five clearly positive comments, vs. 66 negative statements, for a dismal 7 percent positive (93% negative) spin score. 9/9/2024 –

Employing the same methodology, coverage of Harris was 94% positive on CBS, and 71% positive on NBC — historically good press, but not as good as the 100% positive press she received on ABC.

As for Trump, his coverage was 77% negative on CBS, and 86% negative on NBC — extremely hostile, but not as dreadful as the whopping 93% negative coverage he received on ABC.


Same as above except in a cute chart

Positive for HarrisNegative for Trump

Back in June, I had to wonder how it would be possible for CNN, whose bias is well covered, to possibly host a fair debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. They forced draconian rules that had previously been unheard of in Presidential politics.

I was shocked, to say the least, that their questions were for the most part balanced and the rules (designed to shut Trump up and keep him from interrupting) actually made for a better show. Trump simply did not answer their baited questions. And how would they have guessed that dear Brandon would fall apart as badly as he did. There was no way of helping him.

Fast Forward to September 10 and the ABC debate. Rules were agreed to back when negotiated with the Brandon camp. A new face in the Blue Corner, that as I pointed out above, the media (specifically the network who is “moderating” the debate) can’t say a bad thing about. That New Face has spent the past month or so not meeting with the press for press conferences, refusing direct questions and not stating her policy positions officially (until last night, that is, on the DNC Harris for President website).

There is nothing new or unexpected as for her policies. They are a duplicate of the DNC/Biden platform today. 4 more years of the same malaise, failed economic policies, begging for scraps from the Globalists internationally and opening the border for even more illegal migration – plus citizenship (ie free insurance and handouts) for everyone here now). They will however lean on some of Trump’s policies that made sense (Fracking, no tax on tips, etc.).

Living in a Bubble

In my daily life, I listen to far too much of the mainstream media’s mind vomit. As I have mentioned in the past, it is on all day and is like second hand smoke.

I think that it is important to watch what they are doing and saying. Whether I like it or not, their message is getting out there. And people hear it and are far too often seduced by it.

I have done my own little research project over the past few days with people I know who, as I will be describe, have been seduced by the dark side. To the point that they are among the “True Believers.” Or at least “True Followers.”

In one discussion, a group of them declared that their reason for never being able to support Trump was January 6th. They felt that on that day, Trump was fully at fault. What happened was treasonous and Trump egged it on. I have in the past tried to point out some of the salient facts that the Jan 6 committee and news media specifically left out of the narrative. I am usually screamed at in these instances, so I do not usually bring it up anymore.

I am always, in these instances, reminded of the quote from Morpheus:

And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Where I find it most disturbing is when I hear different groups of people repeating the exact same falsehood. The big ones include:

  • January 6th
  • Charlottesville “very fine people”
  • Trump lies about everything
  • Trump is a racist
  • Trump is a felon

These specific lies will be told over and over and over

It will be interesting.

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