Happy Monday!

Monday June 24, 2024

– Full Moon Phase – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience

6/24/2024 @ 7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Pluto – May 2 – October 12

– Moon in AQUARIUS – 

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac)  – June 24th – 25th – Set Eggs, Host a Party, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Slow Growth, Dig Post Holes, Kill Plant Pests, Wash Wooden Floors, Paint, Wean, Potty Train, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Jar Jams/Jellies

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – June 23rd – 25th – Poor days for planting. Kill plant pests, spray, fertilize, do general farm work.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Gemini SUN/MOON – 17 GEMINI: the head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker   (EARTH – 17 SAGITTARIUS: an Easter sunrise service)

SUN – 04 CANCER: a cat arguing with a mouse

EARTH – 04 CAPRICORN: a group of people entering a large canoe for a journey by water

Happy Monday! Trust the Process. Enjoy the Journey.