Friday May 3, 2024
– Third Quarter Moon Phase – realign, revise, reorient, surrender, complete

– Moon in PISCES –
– Retrogrades
- Pluto – May 2 – October 12
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac ) – May 2nd – 3rd – Get Married, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Slow Growth, Wean, Potty Train, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Brew Beer
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – May 2nd – 3rd – Fine for vine crops. Set strawberry plants. Good days for transplanting. Favorable time for planting late root crops.
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: – 20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Aries SUN/MOON – 20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter (EARTH – 20 LIBRA: a Jewish rabbi performing his duties )
SUN – 14 TAURUS: on the beach children play while shell fish grope at the edge of the water
EARTH – 14 SCORPIO: telephone linemen at work installing new connections
The Things THEY Won’t Teach
Earlier this week, i made the suggestion to Sign up for Prager University’s Econ 101 Class. It is free, though they will ask for donations if you are able.
The Class is taught as a series of 5 minute videos sent to you each day. Each presents an aspect of Economics that will be no part of any curriculum taught in today’s schools. Why you might ask? Because school’s today have been taken over by Marxists. You will not learn about economic systems that run contrary to their ideas. So here is a place you can learn about them. Ind one introduced, choose to learn more.
My challenge to you is not just to sign up and watch this. BUT TO SHARE IT! If there are any people under the age of about 40 in your life, share it with them. Ask them to sign up as well.
Free to Choose
While Prager is offering new a fast-learning experience (very in line with the way the youth of today absorbs information (Think TikTok), there are still old school ways of learning these facts (other than reading of course).
Back in the early eighties, Nobel Prize winning Economist Milton Freidman put together a video series that was broadcast on PBS (yes they used to produce quality television experiences at one point in their history).
Free To Choose® is the ground-breaking PBS television series featuring Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-winning economist. These programs, filmed on location around the world, have helped millions of people understand the close relationship between the ideas of human freedom and economic freedom. The interaction between those ideas has created in the U.S. the richest and freest society the world has ever known. Milton Friedman sees this success threatened by the tendency in the last few decades to assume that government intervention is the answer to all problems. In these programs, which first aired on January 11, 1980, Dr. Friedman focuses on basic principles. How do markets work? Why has socialism failed? Can government help economic development? The 1980 version consists of 10 one-hour programs.

In 1990, Free To Choose® was updated to five episodes. Each episode features an introduction by a well-known figure followed by a documentary. All episodes include an updated discussion forum that immediately follows the documentary. Episodes 1, 2, 4 and 5 include documentaries originally produced for the 1980 version. Episode 4 was previously titled “What’s Wrong With Our Schools?”
1980 Free to Choose
1990 Free to Choose Update
Free To Choose in Under 2 Minutes
This part is funny. They updated the series for the TikTok generation. Each episode of the original 1980 Free To Choose has been revised into a timeless, 2-minute video to introduce citizens to the philosophy and ideas of Milton Friedman. We invite you to watch and share these Free To Choose Under 2 and help us advance the ideas of personal and economic freedom to a new audience.
For the Free to Choose series, I have not watched them all. But I will, because what they teach is important. It is important for all of us to know why the economy here in the USA was successful. And why the policies and ideas that are being pushed by the Mainstream, by the Globalists are not. About how these policies are eroding our lives and our freedoms. All for an Agenda that will destroy it.
One needs only look at statistics of the younger generations to see the affect of Socialist programming in the schools and in mainstream media today. If you believe that it was not planned then I cannot help you. But if you want to see the difference between what they are being taught and the system of thought more in line with human nature, then please take a look at these videos. And PLEASE SHARE THEM with that younger generation.
Is it too late? We will see.