Monday March 13, 2023

– Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back, distribution
– Moon in SCORPIO – Void of Course 2:58 AM – 3:21 AM Moving to Sagittarius
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – March 13 – Advertise to Sell, Wash Wooden Floors, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Pick Apples and Pears, Buy a Car, Mow to Slow Growth, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Wean, Dry Fruits and Vegetables, Potty Train, Wash Windows, Castrate Farm Animals, Perform Demolition, Kill Plant Pests, Quit Smoking
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – March 13th – 14th Barren days, do no planting. Second day is a good harvest day.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kamala – Goddess of Passion
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth – God of the North, God of Enlightenment
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Pisces SUN/MOON – 02 PISCES: a squirrel hiding from hunters (EARTH – 02 VIRGO: a large white cross dominating the landscape stands alone on top of a high hill )
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“a flock of wild geese”
– SUN – 23 PISCES: a “materializing medium” giving a séance
– EARTH – 23 VIRGO: a lion tamer rushes fiercely into the circus arena
Happy Monday! Develop the strength to do bold things.
I have to give credit for this article to a site I found
I have altered it and personalized it, but want to give credit where it’s due.
Think about it – you might acknowledge you’re adventurous in one way or another. But chances are you’re not giving yourself enough credit for ALL the ways in which you’re bold.
Being adventurous comes in many forms. Taking any challenge, fear, or limitation you have, and busting past it. Taking any uncertainty of change, and striding ahead into the unknown.
From a young age, we have many ways in which we can bravely plow through our barriers. Some are challenges we face when we’re young. Perhaps you faced that monster under your bed when you were afraid of the dark.
Other challenges come about as we get older. Like trusting ourselves to fall fully in love even after we got burned. Or taking a chance on a business even after weathering some major fails. Life has a way of making things that used to be easy feel hard.
So let’s change things! It starts with acknowledging how brave we really are…
Here’s Your Challenge: Sit down and write out 10 ways in which you are adventurous.
Think of all the brave, bold things you’ve managed to do. I know you can come up with them. Here are mine off the top of my head (+1).
1. I learned to do a back flip on a trampoline. I was about 12. I could do front flips, but could not coordinate backwards. So I had my mom enroll me in a class at the YMCA. I actually figured it out within the first 2 classes. But once I learned it, I would never forget. Muscle memory.
2. Joined a marching band. I was about 14. I could not play an instrument, but was interested in drums. At the time, I needed to find a new group of friends (8th graders suck). It worked fabulously. Still not sure if I can even keep time, but I can count it.

3. Climbed Half Dome in Yosemite. We started off the day as it being just a hike. Half Dome was the goal of course. But we/I did not know how transforming it would be. It is about 20 miles there and back. But half of it is up hill. Very steep uphill. And the view from the top is like none other.
4. Travelled to England in high school for a Summer semester at Cambridge.
5. Moved away to College. I chose the location. It was about 100 miles away from home. Far enough away that I could get home if I needed to, but inconvenient enough to make it not a pleasant day trip. I would have to do it on my own.
6. Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. It was kind of a dare. But once I decided, I owned it.
7. Transfered across the country for a job. My job moved with the Company I worked for. I could have looked for another job, but the market was tough. So I packed up and moved.
8. Joined a bicycle racing team.
9. Took a week long bicycle trip through the Shenandoah valley and over Skyline Drive.
10. Married a woman with 5 children. All adopted. And then adopted 5 more. It was never the plan to have a huge family. It just worked out that way.
11. Started a blog to talk about things that THEY just don’t want people to talk about.