Tuesday January 31, 2023

– First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression
– Moon in GEMINI –
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Jan 30th – 31st – Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, Host a Party, Set Eggs, Travel for Pleasure, Write, Cut Firewood
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Jan 30th – 31st – Poor days for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Matangi – Goddess of the Wind
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth – God of the North, God of Enlightenment
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Aquarius SUN: – SUN/MOON – 03 AQUARIUS: an unexpected thunderstorm (& EARTH: – 03 LEO: an epidemic of mumps)
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“a flock of wild geese”
SUN – 12 AQUARIUS: people on a vast staircase graduated upwards
EARTH – 12 LEO: an evening lawn party of adults
Just 30 Days
I have just completed a 30 day Real Food cleanse. It is a diet I have done a number of times. Each time has had its own successes. My goals this time were pretty simple. It was for better health. Secondary was to lose weight and reduce pain in my knees.
30 days later I am down 12 lbs. My clothing fits better. And I have more energy. I have been sleeping better.
As for my knees, it is pretty much life changing. I have found in the past that by cleansing sugar, my joints feel better. Back in December, walking up and down steps was not just a challenge. It was painful and dangerous. Hanging on with both arms and taking one step at a time. Now I can ascend steps without even using a bannister. And walking, this 55 year old no longer looks like he is closing in on 80. Is it perfect? No. But significantly better
Of course I did not leave it just to the diet to accomplish this. The first week of my diet I visited my Allopath for my annual physical. I was down 5 lbs at that point. But still in pain. His advice: Increase NSAIDS. At that point I was taking 3 advil every morning to take the edge off. He suggested every 4-6 hours without fail. And to mix in Tylenol as well. He also suggested seeing my Orthopedist to get steroid shots. At that point, I was ready to try anything.
I have increased the frequency of NSAIDS, though not to the level he suggested. Also I have added Tylenol. But I am really bad at pain meds. I forget. And I am not a fan of them anyways.
Outside of his advice, I began taking Glucosamine and Condroitin (AKA Osteo Biflex, but I use the cheap Chinese version from Walmart – which you might call Good on the Good Better Better scale). I have taken it off and on over the past few years. And honestly I cannot say it has made any difference.
Previously I had taken Proteolytic Enzymes – recommended by a Chiropractor. The theory is that they cleanse the gut and provide anti inflamitory protection They worked really well. But are expensive as hell and hard to find.
I also have been doing PT exercises. A couple years ago, I was gifted by my Doctor with 3 months of PT – all paid by insurance. And unlike other Therapists who do elaborate stretches, weightlifting and machines, mine was old school. He taught basic exercises to strengthen the muscles that can and should be done at home. It worked fabulously then. But lazy me stopped doing the exercises. So at the same time as this diet, I also started the exercises.
I began taking Turmeric. I drink a Turmeric tea every night that I also add Turmeric Root.
There are a number of supplements on the market boasting the value of Turmeric. The most famous is called Qunol CoQ10 They are spending millions of dollars on commercials featuring Celebrity Doctor Travis Stork. Never tried it and never will.
I personally found the Turmeric Complex from Ascent Nutrition. It is one of many supplements I am working with to try to naturally heal the ravages of middle age and years of being a dad.
We will see what helps the most. The goal is to avoid shots, avoid going under the knife. And to do it naturally. I am not looking forward to surgey (done that 3 times on my knees). And I am alergic opiates, so it is an adventure in pain.
Going Forward
While the official diet, The Real Food Reset, is done for me. I will be sticking to many of the things I learned.
Natural – Eating as close to Nature as possible. is a healthy way of doing things. Is it possible all the time? Maybe, but difficult and expensive. But when possible, I will try to make it work. The farmer’s market is a regular stop on my shopping forays. I will be sharing other ideas I come across.
Sugar – One of the hardest parts of this diet is eliminating sugar. I believe it has helped tremendously. But I will be allowing it back in my diet. BUT I am now more mindful of what I am consuming. And making better choices when I can.
Exercise – definitely. How much of our lives are improved by simply moving more. In addition to my knee stretches and resistance plan, I will also continue walking on a regular basis. The goal is every day. With the pain diminished, this is now possible.
Sleep – As I am sleeping more soundly, I have also been paying attention to how much I sleep. And remembering that the more I can get, the better I will be.
Natural Medicines – Our life is full of toxins. From the processed food we eat, to GMO’s and other frankenfoods. They say you are what you eat.
I will let you know my progress.