Thursday September 22, 2022

– Balsamic Moon Phase release, transform, healing, forgiveness, prepare for the new
– Moon in LEO –
– Retrograde Planets – Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, Mecury
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Sept 22nd – Wash Wooden Floors, Kill Plant Pests, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Quit Smoking, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Perform Demolition, Paint, Dig Post Holes, Harvest, Mow to Slow Growth, Pick Apples and Pears, Ask for Loan, Entertain Friends, Get Married, Host a Party
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Sept 20th -24th – Clear ground, turn sod, or kill plant pests. Good harvest days.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Shodashi– The Fierce One (Goddess of Beauty)
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias– God of the West, God of Transformation
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Virgo SUN: “ SUN – 05 VIRGO: a man becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual energies” (& EARTH: 05 PISCES a church bazaar )
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“ a flock of wild geese ”
SUN – 30 VIRGO: having an urgent task to complete, a man doesn’t look to any distractions
EARTH – 30 PISCES: a majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it up as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, begins to look like it
Autumn and its Equinox
I live in an area of the US that sees all the seasons. Summer is hot and humid. Winter is Cold and snowy. Spring is cool and soggy. Fall is Crisp.
For many the change of seasons is what they live for. I am not one of them I am a Summer person. I grew up in Southern California where it was always warm to hot – year round.
Today begins the Fall. In modern society here in the United States, this does not cause a whole lot of disruption to our lives. The preparation for a new season coming will not alter our lifestyle much. We get out our cold weather clothes, maybe put some weather stripping around our doors and windows. This may be more important this year as the price of oil (thanks brandon) is going to make the necessities more expensive.
But it is also a good time to consider preparation for an uncertain future. I am sharing Suspision0bserver’s video produced tjust today on the subject. Please listen closely. Take notes. And plan to be prepared.
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