Thursday June 9, 2022

– First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression
– Moon in LIBRA–
– Retrograde Planets – Saturn
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – June 8th – 9th – Bake, Wax Floors, Cut Firewood, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, Buy Clothes, Entertain Friends, Get Married, Host a Party, Set Eggs
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – June 8th – 9th – Sow grains and forage crops. Plant flowers. Favorable for planting peas, beans, tomatoes, and other fall crops bearing aboveground.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Bagalamukhi (The Stabilizer, The Storm Calmer)
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Ian Achonesis– God of the East, God of Wisdom
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Gemini “an airplane performing a nose dive” (& a theatrical representation of a golden haired “goddess of opportunity )
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“ a flock of wild geese ”
SUN – 19 GEMINI: a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom
EARTH – 19 SAGITTARIUS: pelicans disturbed by the garbage of people move their young to a new habitat
Be Sure to Pull Your Waders On
The Bullshit will be both Deep and Stinky Today
The Democrat establishment and the whole of the Lamestream media have been gearing up for an event today that they are billing as more momentous that even the Olymips Games. Announcements and snazzy News Clips, special appearances on all the popular News Magazines, Morning Network Table Talks, Late Night Comedy Shows and of course MSNBC and CNN. All the other lamestream networks are doing it of course (even FOX) but they at least try to position themselves as actual News.
All perfectly scripted to prepare the drooling public for the JANUARY 6th COMMISSSION HEARINGS! All of them dancing and singing that they will be able to condemn those Horrible Deplorables who had the audacity to question the election results.
And talk about a Kangaroo Court. All of them Democrats. Except the 2 “Republicans” (Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger) who they vetted beforehand to be sure they would be in complete agreement with their Democrat colleagues before accepting them on the Commission.
So the plans for the Lamestream today (using my usual statistical sample of One – CBS)
- From 9:00 AM on, SPECIAL REPORT Breaking News Coverage of the hearings (If you had the misfortune of watching the last 3 Kabuki Theater Events – The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings, The Trump Impeachment #1 – AKA The Whistelblower Speaks, or The Trump Impeachment #2 – January 6th Character Assassination #1), expect the same thing.
- PRIMETIME – 3 Hours of rundown on all the stories (glossily prepared and scripted over the past month at least with cool graphics, drammatic video clips and flip charts).
- Late Night with Stephen Colbert – ooooo another hour of Trump Deplorable Hatred.
I would expect more of the same from the rest of the Goon Squad. I think I will be out in my garden, doing wash or something equally amusing. What would I rather do? Listen to raging Democrats or fold underwear? I will take the underwear for sure.
Speaking of My Garden . . .
As with every year, we make goals for our gardens. What do we want to do with it. I have started a little late. Part of that was weather related. We had frost up through the middle of May. I could have mitigated it, but left it til last weekend.

Instead of variety in my main beds, I will go for volume. The plan is to can as much as we can. Tomatos and cucumbers for the most part. But we will also have lettuce, zucchini and peppers. We canned pickes a couple years ago and will again this year. We will also try salsa and marinara sauce for storage.
We usually make jams and jellies as well. But we still have a lot left from last season. We will do a couple batches. But also want to try our hand at berry syrups. There are not many availble in the stores, and we like them. And with all the local berries we know we will be able to get a lot in bulk.
In addition to my standard garden beds, I plan to also intersperse vegetables around the yard. I talked about Foodscaping last January. I have planted lettuce seeds around the house. And I may also intersperse beans. I will report back when I get things going.
Despite being slow to start, I have still harvested mint for mint tea as well as a green leaf and dandelion salad. It may take til August before my first tomatos tipen, but I will have salad before long.