Wednesday June 8, 2022

– First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression
– Moon in VIRGO – Void of Course 8:09 AM – 11:23 AM – Miving to LIBRA
– Retrograde Planets – Saturn
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – June 8th – 9th – Bake, Wax Floors, Cut Firewood, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, Buy Clothes, Entertain Friends, Get Married, Host a Party, Set Eggs
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – June 8th – 9th – Sow grains and forage crops. Plant flowers. Favorable for planting peas, beans, tomatoes, and other fall crops bearing aboveground.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Bagalamukhi (The Stabilizer, The Storm Calmer)
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Ian Achonesis– God of the East, God of Wisdom
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Gemini “an airplane performing a nose dive” (& a theatrical representation of a golden haired “goddess of opportunity )
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“ a flock of wild geese ”
SUN – 18 GEMINI: two Chinese men speaking Chinese in a western crowd
EARTH – 18 SAGITTARIUS: tiny children in sunbonnets
Talking about Your Passions
Where do I receive my inspirations? Often it is from the soundtrack in my head.
Who needs a radio when my own mind is constantly playing? And this one started last night and was with me pretty much all night. That bothers some people. It even bothers me when the song is something terrible like disco or the soundtrack from Barney the purple dinosaur. Otherwise I just enjoy it any look for what brought it into my mind.
Here it is. Take a listen if you would like.
The big question is the Why. You can ignore the lyrics of the song, because they are just repetitive. Except for the title. Talk about the Passion. So let’s talk about it.
What is Your Passion?
This is the question asked by success gurus for years. And their answer is that you need to find your passion and follow it. And focus on it.
If you have about 25 minutes, look up The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightengale. It was an audio recording from back in the last 50’s – a record album if you will.
Don’t focus on how you’re going to achieve what it is that you want, leave it up to a power greater than yourself, and instead focus on WHERE you are going. His challenge is to spend 30 days focused upon your clearly defined goal in a positive way and to train the mind into a more positive thinking pattern.
Earl Nightengale – The Strangest Secret
Go back even further in time (about 1928) for Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. In it he poses the statement:
You become what you think about most of the time.
Each of them stress the need to focus on your passions and be able to channel your feelings into them.
So I would like to pose a little challenge today. Ask yourself, “What is my Passion?”
Now WRITE IT DOWN. Write all of them down. It might be a single word, a bullet point, a short paragraph or even a page or a whole book. This is your passion. What keeps you up at night dreaming?
Finding ways to identify and acheive these dreams should be our whole life’s work.
Consider your present job. Is it somehow part of your dream? Are you dong the things that are part of your passion? Or is your job simply a means to get to where you want?
Today I am thinking about my passions. My family. My writing. My garden. For my part, my focus on these things could be better. So I must consider what things I need to spend more time on. By doind so, I will get myself more in line with where I want to be.
If you are game, please share your passions with the group. Put it in the comments. It is the first step in acheiving your dreams.