Happy Monday! July 12, 2021

Happy Monday! July 12, 2021

– New Moon Phase  –begin, initiate, wish, project, set an intention

– Moon in Leo – Void of Course 8:29 AM – 4:30 AM Tuesday – Moving to Virgo

– Retrograde Planets – Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  July 10th – 12th –Paint, Cut Firewood, Kill Plant Pests, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, Buy a Home, Entertain Friends, Get Married, Host a Party, Travel for Pleasure

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  July 10th – 14th – A most barren period. Kill plant pests and do general farm work.

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe is Coming with the Solstice – God of the South

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Gemini: “A hen scratching for her chicks” (& “The Union Jack flies from a new British warship”)

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”

SUN / MOON- 21 CANCER: A prima donna singing

EARTH – 21 CAPRICORN: A relay race

Happy Monday! Do something that makes your heart sing every day.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum today. I had been all prepared to talk about a new book I am reading. This would have led to a long discussion about prepping and such. And while this is important and very relevant, I have to go another direction today.

I was hijacked by Happy Monday!. Not all of you know, but I used to write another blog called Brighter Side Now. It was a writing project I started in about 2011, and continued for about 4 years.

The “rule” of the blog was that I had to only write in the positive. That meant all negative words and references either had to be removed or had to be changed. I called it a writing project because it was at times incredibly difficult to do. If I was not in the right mindset, I had trouble writing. So I had to develop processes to change my mindset. This was great because this alone gave me hundreds of things to write about.

One of these “processes” was listening to positive motivational speakers. One of my favorites was Zig Ziglar. I was introduced to Zig back in about 1980. I was in 8th grade and had a class names See You at the Top, named after the book by Zig Ziglar. And funny thing. From the book’s description:

“It tells you how to set and achieve goals, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to change the way you think about yourself and your surroundings.”


And another Funny thing. Just last week I was searching around on Youtube (probably for music). And one of the videos I noticed served up for me by the mind-game-masters at Google was . . . you guessed it. A video from Zig Ziglar. I ignored it at first. But then over the weekend as I was going to bed, I came across it again. You see I usually find streaming music to listen to at night on Youtube.

So while I would not generally allow my tightly regimented system of going to sleep to be interrupted by such things, I played the Zig Ziglar video. It was about goal setting I think. It was about 9 minutes and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And since then, I have watched one of his videos each day.

Why? Why not. To feel better. To think better and to be better. (Now don’t go thinking I am about to go on some “Build Back Better” rant).

And Zig is not the only motivational speaker I follow. Another one that can help to get you in a better mindset is Ed Foreman (another “down-home Texan”).  On such useful quote was:

“You can have a Great Day, or a Lousy Day; it’s totally up to you.”

Another is one that I cannot exactly quote, but I can paraphrase it. He stated something like, “I’d rather be around a whole room of insincere happy people than around a single honest miserable one.” And I try to remember this one. When you are around unhappy miserable people, their misery can have a tendency to rub off.

A lot of the misery in the world is a choice we make. That choice can come from the people we are around, the things we choose to read or watch on television, where we work, where we play. How we choose to act on those stimuli may be what affects how we feel.

So speaking to the Happy Monday message of the day, it is a reminder to choose one thing every day that makes you happy That makes you feel good. And hell, why stop at one. But at least do one!

PS We are Void all day today – stuck between Leo and Virgo – somewhere between Confidence and Sensible. Treat it like a Mercury Retrograde. Pay Attention.