Wednesday October 21, 2020

Wednesday October 21, 2020

– Crescent Moon Phase – challenge, growth, struggle, expansion, gathering

– Moon in Capricorn

– Retrograde Planets:  Neptune, Chiron, Uranus, Mars, Mercury

– BLACK MOON Moves to TAURUS!!! – Conjunct Chiron

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  October 21st – 22nd – Bake, Cut Firewood, Cut Hair to Increase Growth, Mow to Increase Growth, Castrate Farm Animals, Dig Holes, Wean, Potty Train, Wax Floors

– Gardening tips  (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  October 21st – 22nd – Plant tomatoes, peas, beans, and other aboveground crops, indoors in the North and outdoors in lower South.

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Kali (The Destroyer of Time), Tara (Goddess who Guides Through Troubles) and Shodashi (Goddess who Fulfills our Highest Desire)

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Leo: “A third wing on the left side of a butterfly” (& An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia)

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “A Triangle with Wings”

SUN:  29 LIBRA: Mankind’s vast enduring effort to reach for knowledge transferable from generation to generation

EARTH:  29 ARIES: The music of the spheres

I would like to ask everyone to join me in the Happy Dance! The Black Moon has exited Aries. And for me, whose natal Black Moon is in Aries, a completion of an intense and crazy transit. Since January 21st or so, I have been navigating the energy and dealing with the heavy load. And am I ever ready to see it lift.

Now what to do about the Mercury Retrograde . . .

The Black Moon in Taurus will give us an entirely new perspective.