HAPPY NEW YEAR Following the Astrological Calendar, the beginning of the year is the sign of Aries – which begins in April – right around the same time at the Spring Equinox – This  year March 19th. It can be anywhere from March 19th to the 21st, depending on whenContinue Reading

How to mark Your Calendar

This Christmas season, did you acquire at least one calendar as a gift (whether it be from a friend, someone in your family, an insurance agent, the neighborhood realtor)? We begin 2019 with some fireworks and a toast and a new calendar. We prepare for another trip around the sun.Continue Reading

I have always had trouble finding just the right calendar to track the days, weeks months, years, what have you. Our lives revolve around the passing of days. And the days turn into weeks and months and years. It makes you think pretty hard about how these cycles came intoContinue Reading