Know Thyself is but one of the 147 odd Delphic Maxim’s (listed below – thanks to the research of the sharers at Wikipedia) that were attributed to the Oracle at Delphi, in Greece. Were they directly from the God Apollo, the Oracles, the Seven Sages? Who knows. But they becameContinue Reading

Get up, Get up , Get your body in Motion I was inspired this morning on a Facebook Live with fellow blogger Ryan Biddulph. He is a blogger who blogs about . . . blogging, and how you can create a great life . . . blogging. He is aContinue Reading

Happy Monday! How do you have a Happy Monday? Stand in the Sunshine. Wear your favorite shirt. Laugh, Laugh, Laugh. Blast your favorite song. Stretch throughout the day. Eat Dessert! And be amazing through it all!Continue Reading

A few years ago, I became acquainted with Astrocal. They produce a lunar calendar – noting the moon phase each day. You can choose from a number of options – a daily diary, and a couple different wall calendars. As with all calendars, you must commit to using them. WhenContinue Reading

In choosing themes, I am honoring Wealth Wednesday. This is not my idea by any stretch of the imagination. But for following sovereignty and personal rights, our financial life is something we need to be paying attention to. I have swiped a post from one of my favorite sites ( Reading

Today is Health Tuesday. I am designating different days of the week for writing topics. This is mainly because I have been neglecting this page and need to encourage myself to keep on keeping on. Today’s advice comes to us from a book I am reading: Eat Well, Move Well,Continue Reading


A funny thing happened on the way to the Quora today. I came across a funny question that somehow brought these things together. The Question: If humans disappear, and the only thing that survives is a Harry Potter book, would a species discovering it believe that it’s actual history? YouContinue Reading