Getting Out by Ryan Westfield

Getting Out by Ryan Westfield My rating: 5 of 5 stars It’s great when you find the right book at the right time. And as I am writing a blog myself that focuses on prepping, its so much fun to see all the things I am researching and writing aboutContinue Reading

The Scarecrow

What do you do about pests in the garden? And from this, I mean bugs and animals that can damage or kill the plants in your garden. It is funny what I learned about garden pests as a kid. Growing up in the 70’s that meant that most of whatContinue Reading

I just came across an article that gets right to the point about Tap Water in Natural News: Please check out the article, but I wanted to comment on each of the reasons: Fluoride – addressed in a previous article. Not a good idea to ingest neuro toxins. ChlorineContinue Reading

I began asking about the water I drink after a trip to Miami, FL. Our local water in Reading, PA never bothered me. In fact, I thought it tasted pretty good. I grew up in Southern California, where the water is undrinkable. We always bought Sparkletts bottled water (the greenContinue Reading

Feed Your Head

How much do you read? I am an avid reader and tend to have 2-3 books going at a time – in addition to my all too large doses of social media and the News of the Day. Some are for fun. Some are because I want to learn something.Continue Reading