Thursday March 6, 2025
– First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression

– Moon in GEMINI –
– Retrogrades –
- Venus March 2 – April 13
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) March 5th – 6th – Cut Firewood, Dig Holes, Host a Party, Kill Plant Pests, Mow to Increase Growth, Travel for Pleasure
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – March 5th – 6th – Seeds planted now tend to rot in ground.
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: – 20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Pisces SUN/MOON – 10 PISCES: an aviator in the clouds (EARTH – 10 VIRGO: two heads looking out and beyond the shadows)
SUN – 17 PISCES: an Easter promenade
EARTH – 17 VIRGO: a volcanic eruption
Last month I wrote about the pussy hat “RESISTANCE” efforts to disrupt the economy of our Country. On February the 28th, they held the Economic Blackout, where they called for the people to not spend any money for one day.

In honor of that event, I made a purchase on Amazon (I could have bought it the night before but held off just for the fun of it). I also did my regular grocery shopping. What a rebel I am against The Resistance!
This was just the first of many economic protests being planned. I had posted a list of their plans before but wanted to give you the new and improved list.
The original group pushing for the economic blackout is called The People’s Union USA. I looked at their website and was pretty nonplussed.
“If we disrupt the economy for just ONE day, it sends a powerful message,” the group wrote on its website.
“The People’s Union is not just about resisting corruption, it is about exposing it. For decades, corporations, politicians, and industries have worked together to rig the system against the American people.”
Since the beginning of their movement (not to be completely mistaken for a bowel movement maybe) other like-minded groups have joined.
During President Trump’s speech to Congress, on Tuesday, he pointed out the crux of the problem. Addressing the democrats (ironically on his right), he said,
“I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or make them stand and smile or applause. These people standing right here will not clap, will not cheer.”
And it is this level of resistance from both the Republicans and the Democrats that have us so polarized. They turn every issue into a Hegelian nightmare. Sometimes for their own purposes. And sometimes for their collective purposes. I often wonder where Trump fits in between them. But he often makes it amusing.
So the losing side of the 2024 election is instigating what they hope to be an economic takedown of the country.

While The People’s Union USA might have been the properly created and vetted NGO that started this propaganda campaign, I am sure you can easily find the greasy fingerprints of all sorts of interesting globalist cabalist factions at the heart of it. The Obamas. The Clintons, The DNC, the Epsteinists, the people who ran Comet Ping Pong Pizza Palace, Antifa, BLM, George Soros, The Pussy Hat march people. You get it. AKA National, Civic and Community organizations.
What they do not have this season is a smoking gun. You know. A George Floyd or Trayvon Martin that they parade around. Or, for that matter, a cause that anyone but MSNBC, CNN, CBS or ABC can give credit to. And since even elementary school kids can see through the wall of lies they have been telling, they are but a mere circus sideshow.
To me, the biggest piece of irony in this whole boycott charade is their arc to put the blame on DOGE. The scream bloody murder about the horror of a Billionaire that they cannot try to use the power of government slander to stop. They try to malign him and claim he is somehow trying to steal money from the people. And yet still, the fraud and graft he is uncovering is enough to make people eyes bulge. When they are allowed to see it that is.
Now Trump’s speech the other night was bombastic and obnoxious. But it did something that no other medium could do. It forced the American audience to hear the details of the waste and fraud that is being uncovered. Probably the most potent was when he was pointing out the millions of people 90-100, 100-110, 110-120, 120-150 and 318 years old (older than our country) that remain on the books at the Social Security. Snopes did not even try to debunk those numbers.
The Nielsen ratings people claimed that viewership for this speech was down from previous years. Only 36.6 million were watching. More than Biden last year who mustered a mere 32.2 million. But in Trump’s first term he averaged over 40 million. The crux of that story was to try to paint a picture that people do not really care what he had to say. Sure.
If you would like some real fun, google anything about the February 28 Economic Blackout. And I say Google because you will find a desperate conglomeration of stories from mainstream sources trying to offer hope to anyone actually following them. They all basically laud the idea of resistance and claim you cannot truly gauge how effective the effort was.
It is Up To You!
Are you in the Resistance? The Resist the Resistance? Among the rest of the world that could care less about the Resistance?
For me, I will shop as usual over the next few months. I will buy where and when I can get the best bargains. I am cheap. And I will laugh at the goons taking part in, carrying signs for and basically being a public nuisance around these boycotts.
Happy Shopping!