A Box of Fun

Wednesday October 23, 2024

– Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back, distribution

10/23/2024 @7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Saturn – June 30 – November 15
  • Neptune – July 2 – December 7
  • Chiron – July 26 – December 29
  • Uranus – September 1 – January 25
  • Jupiter – October 9 – February 4

– Moon in CANCER – 

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) October – 23rd – Go Hunting, Mow to Slow Growth, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Brew Beer

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – – October 21st – 23rd – Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets, and other root crops where climate is suitable.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in LIBRA SUN/MOON – 11 LIBRA: a professor peering over his glasses at his students   (EARTH – 11 ARIES: the ruler of a nation)

SUN – 01 SCORPIO: a sight-seeing bus filled with tourists

EARTH – 01 TAURUS: a clear mountain stream

A Funny Piece of Propaganda Came in my Door Yesterday

My 9 year old, severely disabled son arrived home from school yesterday with a rather curious box. For me it is a box full of fun as it points to so many of the things that I find disgusting about the mainstream-deep state-left in this country.

The box was given to him at school. Funny thing to give a severely disabled child who is non communicative. But it was given to all the students. So, he got one too.

On the top it announced itself as an Energy Education Kit and it was from First Energy – parent of Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power and West Penn Power. I thought that was funny because we get our electric from PP&L, but who is counting.

Inside the kit were all sorts of fun things that “kids” would just love to play with and learn from.

  • 6 promotional flyers
  • 10 insulating strips to install behind electrical outlets
  • Crayons and pencils (of course)
  • Cute box with energy and school icons to color
  • 9 energy efficient LED light bulbs
  • 3 energy efficient night lights and this weird whistle to install on your heating and air conditioning unit to tell you when to replace your filter (I do not have central air and heat is from radiators so this thing is of no use to me)

My intrigue about this box was much higher. In a former life, I worked in Marketing Services. I designed and outsourced things like this. And this was not a cheap one. Back in the day (call it 2005) this would have cost approximately $50 to produce – with custom boxes, flyers and tchotchkes. In today’s dollars, with inflation and all that, the box cost well over $100. We will call it that for now.

Let’s do some math.

Assume the entire 4th grade class received a box (about 100 students in 4 different schools in the district). Cost for the giveaway boxes to the school: $40,000. I am assuming it was just the 4th grade because if it was the entire elementary school that would be more like $200,000 and that would just be ridiculous. Wouldn’t it?

So, the questions we must ask:

WHO is First Energy and WHO would provide this funding?

WHY would the Power Company spend $40,000 to educate the 4th grade class of one school district in the state of Pennsylvania?

WHAT exactly are they “teaching” that is so important that it would justify the expenditure of $40,000?

WHEN did they come up with this plan?

WHERE else besides this school district are they teaching?

I do not give a shit about the HOW because that I will never uncover. But as a taxpayer and citizen of this great nation, I look at ridiculous things like this with a level of outrage. It’s the kind of outrage we all felt when we heard about $10,000 toilet seats bought by the US military. Something here stinks, and I need to expose it!

Start with the WHO and see how far we get

The WHO and the WHAT are n this case, hopelessly intertwined. Look at WHAT they are teaching, and you can begin to guess who they are. Look at WHO it is and you can also probably guess the WHAT.

We start with the name on the box – First Energy. They are one of the largest regional energy providers in the country. They operate through Electric Companies in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia. It is their branding and outreach that made it into the schools.

But what about the message. For that I had to read the flyers. And deep in the fine print I found the source. The National Energy Foundation out of Salt Lake City, UT. Looking at their website offered some real insight into just what it takes to develop a propaganda outfit.

First, they have 45 employees and 13 members of the Board of Directors. Some quick math, guessing at an average to $50K/year salary (which is low) means that their annual payroll is at least $2.25 million. The board members all have some kind of a financial stake – call it $100K per year or $1.4 million. And that is just salary.

Some quick research into their site says they serve about 500K students per year. 500K X $100 = $50 million.

Now we ask, where do you get $60 million for a propaganda campaign? I do not know for sure, but I would hazard a guess that that it is hidden deep in the fine print for the Department of Energy and other minor funding sources such as . . . The American Rescue Plan Act ($1.9 Trillion) and the Inflation Reduction Act ($1.2 Trillion).

When these two bills passed, the most notable issues with them were that they were loaded with specific money payouts to predominantly Democrat sponsor companies and the spending was aimed directly at “Green” projects. And when they were passed, they had the votes (especially with Kamala Harris as the tie breaking vote in the Senate).

This money, where ever it came from, was directed from the top down to develop a curriculum to teach our young children exactly what the Green agendaites wanted them to learn about energy.

And what’s the curriculum? Anyone paging through The Green New Deal or UN Agenda 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050 will recognize most of it. And since this is a “private” organization, they do not have to look like a government sponsored reeducation program.

This is what propaganda is all about. Teach them young and they will grow up to be good, loyal citizens and voters. And now they are good citizens who have been taught to follow the Green agenda.

Nothing New Here . . . Really

To be honest, what the National Energy Foundation is doing is not new. They have been in business for 45 years – affecting young minds across the country. How else do you promote “populist” programs like The Greenhouse Effect, No Nukes and Global Warming without an effective vehicle to get it into the schools. Schools do not have to wait for new, expensive textbooks when they can have and outside resource to teach it for them for free.

I for one have to ask how this got into my child’s school. Was it just offered? Did it have to pass through the school board? Was it just a school Principal or Superintendent?

For me, I am not so worried about the poor impressionable mind of my 9 year-old, non communicative disabled son. He is safe. Its the Tax dollars I am most bothered by.

Pay Attention!

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