Tuesday September 27, 2022

Tuesday September 27, 2022

 New Moon Phase – begin, initiate, wish, project, set an intention

– Moon in LIBRA – Void of Course 12:21 PM – 7:15 PM moving to SCORPIO

– Retrograde Planets – Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, Mecury

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Sept 27th – – Cut Hair to Increase Growth, Wax Floors, Cut Firewood, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Sept 27th -29th – Start seedbeds. Excellent time for planting aboveground crops that can be planted now, including leafy vegetables which will do well.

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Shodashi– The Fierce One (Goddess of Beauty)

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias– God of the West, God of Transformation

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Libra SUN: “ SUN – 03 Libra: the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed  (& EARTH:  03 Aries  a cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country  )

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: a flock of wild geese ”

SUN – 05 LIBRA: a man teaching the true inner knowledge of the new world to his students

EARTH – 05 ARIES: a triangle with wings

Journey’s into Mentalism

I was discussing the Hermetic laws in the last couple weeks. There is so much to unwrp that I was not sure where to begin. Its like the question about how you eat an elephant. And the answer is one bite at a time. (PS This is supposedly an african proverb. It was quoted by Desmond Tutu at some point so offeres that additional amount of gravitas).

But the lesson with the elephant can definitely be applied to the Laws of the Universe. It is a whole pantheon of beleif. And so many of its aspects we alreaady know. It has been woven into our psyche through history and education and our religions.

In the same way it was woven, so much of its wisdom has been judiciously picked out. It has been like a weaver or a seamstress has been pulling at the threads and trying to change the pattern ever so slightly to their own benefit.

You might ask, “Who would do such a thing?”

That is a question that we will be asking a lot over the course of this discussion. But not one I have a direct answer for today.

Running Interference

Since starting this, I believe that there is a level of interference that I cannot explain or wrap my head around. Whether it is roadblocks finding information. Of finding a source and realizing it is tainted in some way. That the information presented has been tampered with. That there are people, groups, entities trying to keep this information from reaching people.


Is it personal? Trying to stop me specifically?

Is it a generalized curtain of fog they are putting out?

A blurring of the past?

Is it just the Mercury Retrograde?

Is it more?

I will be exploing these questions nd more and I continue my search into the hermetic and universal laws. And I will be posing these and more questions for all to consider and ask yourself.

Despite the Interference

The subject of the Laws has become somewhat of an obsession with me. It is deep. And like other deep subjects whose implications are so far reaching (like astrology) there is so much to learn that it is easy to get lost.

Not sure what it is in me. A fire? Obsession? Like in the song below, I “Feel it in my soul. Gotta feel it, your heart, it takes control.”

I am ahead of it. Hope you continue following this journey with me.

Can’t keep up with my rhythm
Though they keep trying.
Too quick for the lines they throw.
I walk to the sound of my own drum,

Oh, here we go
Feel it in my soul
Really mean it, mean it, so go
Gotta feel it, your heart, it takes control
Really mean it, mean it