New Moon in Aries – March 24, 2020


Following the Astrological Calendar, the beginning of the year is the sign of Aries – which begins in April – right around the same time at the Spring Equinox – This  year March 19th. It can be anywhere from March 19th to the 21st, depending on when the earth actually gets to that point.

And remember the whole leap year thing. The astrological sign of Aries begins on March 21st according to most Gregorian Calendars and horoscope websites. If you are counting for accuracy though, you look to when the sun enters the sign of Aries. This year that happened around March 18th at 9:35 PM

Here is where it gets complicated. The actual beginning of the New Year is when the New Moon strikes in the sign of Aries. And that day is today March 24th, at 5:34 AM.

I am not generally a stickler for details, but the art of astrology is. Or at least the math behind it is. And I would like to spend some time this year thinking about this math as well as some details about calendars and the passage of time. How we pass our time here on Earth. And how it may differ around the world.


Figuring out how dates and times work in astrology has confounded me since I began paying attention to it. And to place that date, it was in about 2011 – about the time I asked myself what the heck this whole 2012 end of the world thing was about. FYI I am still not incredibly clear on that. But it made me start paying attention.

Some of the things I looked at included the Mayan Calendar. The Kali Yuga. Western Astrology. Astronomy. And through this research, I found the Oracle Report. And the bottom of the rabbit hole truly fell out.

Anyways, the point of this post, and likely a whole lot more, is to take an intensive look at calendars, time and how we look at its passage. I am interested in how all of us pass time. All around the world.

I may tread lightly, or go deep. It will depend on how into it I get in the moment – and whether my kids interrupt my train of thought. Who says it will be my kids though. Many people I know claim that I have adult onset ADD. We will just have to see.

So for today’s lesson:

Tuesday March 24, 2020 5:34 AM

Taken from The Oracle Report, here are the astrological positions and Sabian Symbols associated with the planets on this date at this time:

Sun/Moon: 05 Aries – a triangle with wings

Earth: 05 Libra – a man teaching the true inner knowledge of the new world to his students

Chiron: 06 Aries – a square brightly lighted on one side

Black Moon: 07 Aries – a man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once

Uranus: 05 Taurus – a widow at an open grave

Venus: 21 Taurus – a moving finger points to significant passages in a book

North Node: 04 Cancer – a cat arguing with a mouse

South Node: 04 Capricorn – a group of people entering a large canoe for a journey by water

Jupiter: 24 Capricorn – a woman entering a convent

Pluto: 25 Capricorn – an Oriental rug dealer in a store filled with precious ornamental rugs

Mars: 26 Capricorn – a nature spirit (fairy) dancing in the mist of a waterfall

Saturn: 01 Aquarius – an old adobe mission

Mercury: 07 Pisces – illuminated by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea and mist

Neptune: 19 Pisces – a master instructing his disciple

A New Way of Looking at the  Calendar

And I have spared no expense at the production of this new calendar. Any close inspection will see that it is a Gregorian 202 calendar that I got from my bank that I was not using. So I cut it out in a new and unique way. I will be posting the lunar phase each month. Since I am not sure where this is going, this is where it starts. Basic lunar phases and times (where I had them). Most almanac sites are nice enough to give you the 4 cardinal phases (New, 1st Quarter, Full and 3rd Quarter). We know that the in between phases (Crescent, Gibbous, Disseminating and Balsamic) fall in-between. Getting an exact date and time is not quite so clear. But I am sure I will find a decent source to quote these times. Give me a week.

You can also see that there are some holidays filled in (The Easter Holidays for the most part). This is just the luck of the draw as that is what they put in this calendar. For my part, there is a lot to fill in.


Since we are on the New Year theme, I want to write down a resolution or two. In the astrology world, we do this now because:

  1. It is the New Moon Phase of the Year, a time to set intentions.
  2. It is the New Moon Phase in Aries, also good to set intentions (and start anything new)

So I Resolve to blog daily (Or as close to daily as I can) about the days of the lunar month. There are lots of things to talk about that have been either forgotten or lost or just unknown in each of our worlds. I will try to stay away from ridiculous government Official Days (Like National Tulip Day – It’s not that I know of, but I could not think of anything funnier). But if I discover or find an observance that has some significance to it (Like March 9th this year was Holi – a holiday in India that is pretty significant – 1.4 Billion Asian Indians are aware of it and only a tiny sliver of the 320 million people here in the US have even heard of it) I will try to make a point of it.

Somehow, I will also relate it to my garden. Times right now (with the Coronavirus offering us as close a view of the Zombie Apocalypse as we have ever seen) allow us to admit that being a little better Prepared is a good thing. And Astrogardens began paying attention to this.

So thank you for reading through this and please come back.

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