Chinese New Year!

Tuesday January 28, 2025

– Balsamic Moon Phase – release, transform, healing, forgiveness, prepare for the new

1/28/2025 @7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Mars – December 6 – February 23
  • Uranus – September 6 – February 3
  • Jupiter – October 9 – February 4

– Moon in CAPRICORN – Void of Course 10:48 AM – 2:31 PM moving to Aquarius

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) January 28th – Castrate Farm Animals, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Dig Post Holes, Host a Party, Jar Jams/Jellies, Kill Plant Pests, Mow to Slow Growth, Potty Train, Paint, Quit Smoking, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Wash Wooden Floors, Wean

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – January 28th – 29th – A good time to kill plant pests or do plowing. Poor for planting. First day is a good harvest day.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in CAPRICORN SUN/MOON – – 10 CAPRICORN: an albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor (EARTH – 10 GEMINI: an airplane performing a nose dive)

SUN – 09 AQUARIUS: a flag is seen turning into an eagle

EARTH – 09 LEO: glassblowers shape beautiful vases with their controlled breathing

Happy New Year – Tomorrow?

The New Moon in Aquarius brings in the Chinese New Year in Gregorian 2025. I begin writing this at 8:28 PM EST. In Beijing China it is 9:28 AM, So they are pretty much celebrating now. But understanding this for all us morons in the West is not so easy. 1.4 Billion Chinese people, plus another 23 million Taiwanese (and add Vietnam 101 million and Korea 53 million to play it safe) are celebrating the Chinese lunisolar New Year.

How this relates to our Gregorian calendar it not so easy to explain. So I have copied from others who know more than I.

From Google freaky AI:

A lunisolar calendar is a calendar that combines the lunar and solar calendars to indicate the position of the moon and the sun. Lunisolar calendars are used in many cultures, including the Jewish calendar and the Japanese lunisolar calendar.

How it works
– Lunisolar calendars try to match the solar year and the moon phases.
– Since a solar year doesn’t have an exact number of days or lunar months, the length of the months and years are adjusted.
– This adjustment is called intercalation, which involves adding an extra month or day to the calendar.
– Without intercalation, the seasons would gradually shift through the months.

and more from

How Does the Chinese Calendar Work

Chinese Calendar 2025?

The Chinese calendar is based on the moon’s and Earth’s orbits around the sun. 

A new month on the Chinese calendar begins when the moon moves in line with the Earth and the sun. The first day of a lunar month is called “Chu Yi”.

When the moon is full, it comes to the middle of the month, which is called “Shi Wu”. A full moon circle is about 29.5 days. So a lunar month has 29 days or 30 days. 

According to the days per lunar month, the Chinese lunar calendar is 11 to 12 days shorter than the solar year. To keep the Chinese lunar calendar in synch with solar cycles, an extra leap month is added every two or three lunar years.

So the Chinese calendar has 12 or 13 months per year. A common year has 12 months with 354 to 355 days, a leap year has 13 months, and an ordinary year has 383 to 385 days. 

Chinese Calendar Years

The Chinese calendar does not count years in numbers. In ancient China, each year is assigned a name consisting of heavenly stems and earthly branches within each 60-year cycle. 

The 10 heavenly stems are 甲 (Jia), 乙 (Yi), 丙 (Bing), 丁 (Ding), 戊 (Wu), 己 (Ji), 庚 (Geng), 辛 (Xin), 壬 (Ren), and 癸 (Gui). 

The 12 earthly branches are 子 (Zi), 丑 (Chou), 寅 (Yin), 卯 (Mao), 辰 (Chen), 巳 (Si), 午 (Wu), 未 (Wei), 申 (Shen), 酉 (You), 戌 (Xu), and 亥 (Hai).

The heavenly stem and the earthly branch combine to form the year’s name. When a new lunar year comes, the heavenly stem and earthly branch move on to the next one to form the new year’s name.

For example, the year 2023 is 癸卯 (Gui Mao – heavenly stem 10 and earthly branch 4), and the year 2024 is 甲辰 (Jia Chen – heavenly stem 1 and earthly branch 5).

Chinese Calendar 2025

According to the Chinese calendar, 2025 is Yi Si Year (乙巳年) with the zodiac sign of Snake. It is from Jan. 29, 2025, to Feb. 16, 2026, in the Gregorian calendar. The year 2025 has 365 days in the Chinese lunar calendar.

In case you want to see how this runs in the not too distant past and future:

Year of the Wood Snake 2025


According to the Chinese horoscope 2025, the Year of the Wood Snake in will be a time of tremendous opportunity, renewal and potential. Using the Snake’s wisdom and intuition, coupled with the inspirational and flexible nature of the Wood element, we can anticipate a year full of both challenges and opportunities.

The year of the Wood Snake will be a time of renewal and transformation. Like a snake sheds its skin and emerges with a new appearance, we too are advised to let go of our old habits and fixed ideas. Surely the year of the Snake 2025 can be an excellent time to start new projects, explore new opportunities or even make significant changes in your life.

Another key Chinese zodiac prediction for 2025 is that the Year of the Wood Snake will be a time to think strategically and plan carefully.

Armed with the Snake’s calmness and intellect, coupled with the adaptability and flexibility in the face of change given by the Wood element, we will be capable of tackling the goals we set for ourselves in 2025 with determination and objectivity. The Year of the Snake 2025 will be about setting realistic goals, devising plans and working towards our dreams.

On the other hand, according to Chinese astrology, in 2025, we will also face some challenges. During the year of the Snake, people may be negatively influenced by the manipulative tendencies of this Chinese zodiac animal; the number of people trying to take advantage or cheat you will probably increase.

back to me

So as I write, people in China have celebrated the New Year and are off to visit relatives. I took another chart to go over some of the things that people in the East may have been or are doing around this time:

About 12 hours ago they had their new year’s eve celebrations. Right now they are lighting off firecrackers. And for the next 12 days they will do more. Almost 1/4 of the world’s population is paying attention to this. For us here in the west, it does not register more than a 30 second segment on the evening news.

This has survived for the past about 3800 years. it survived the Color revolution of the late 1960’s, where the youth of China tried to eradicate all unacceptable traditions.

It is funny that here in the US, so many of the traditions we have we developed within the last 100 years. Christmas may hearken back 2000 years, but Santa Clause and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer did not. Easter the same, but the Easter Bunny and the Easter parade?

So I like to connect with some of these worldly celebrations. Especially those that involve so many people. February13th, the Kumbh Mela Hindu pilgrimage in India started and will continue through February 26th. Millions of people will travel to dunk themselves into the Ganges River. Literal cities will be built along the river to accommodate the pilgrims. It has gotten less coverage than Chinese New Year.

For myself, I plan of having Chinese food a few times in the next 2 weeks. Last night I fixed to Chicken fried in sesame oil and soy sauce. Simple to comply with my diet. But it made me think about it. I may also add some Indian Food into my diet as well. Anything I can do to share in the Energy.

If we as a civilization have any energetic connection, it is through these mass celebrations. I know how it makes me feel on July 4th and Christmas and Halloween and Thanksgiving. And these are comparatively small in comparison.

I welcome you all to join in. And if you are up tonight at midnight, say a Happy New Year!