Happy Monday!

Monday October 14, 2024

– Gibbous Moon Phase – trust, analyze, prepare, digest, alchemy

10/14/2024 @7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Saturn – June 30 – November 15
  • Neptune – July 2 – December 7
  • Chiron – July 26 – December 29
  • Uranus – September 1 – January 25
  • Jupiter – October 9 – February 4

– Moon in PISCES – 

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) October 14 – Set Eggs, Get Married, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Increase Growth, Dig Holes, Cut Firewood, Wax Floors, Wean, Potty Train, Start Diet to Gain Weight, Cut Hair to Increase Growth

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – –
October 13th – 14th Extra good for vine crops. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate is suitable.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in LIBRA SUN/MOON – 11 LIBRA: a professor peering over his glasses at his students   (EARTH – 11 ARIES: the ruler of a nation)

SUN – 22 LIBRA: a child giving birds a drink at a fountain

EARTH – 22 ARIES: the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires

Happy Monday! Seeing the world with new eyes is the origin of the voyage of discovery.

Columbus Day – Indigenous People’s Day – Thanksgiving Day

I do not know about you, but this is an entirely confusing “holiday.”

Growing up in the seventies, I knew Columbus Day as a holiday where we made art projects of the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. We would make paper sail boats and learn the Columbus poem.

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two

Columbus sailed the ocean blue

He found a land for me and you

in fourteen hundred and ninety-two

It always seemed like a pretty happy story. Until sixth grade that is, when we studied Latin American History and they retold the story about disease and exploitation. But still, it was always a pretty innocuous event.

That is, until about 1977 when a international coalition of angry people got together (led by the UN of course) to find ways of celebrating indigenous people around the world who had been exploited by European colonization.

Indigenous People’s Day was started around that time as a counter protest to Columbus Day. They also protest other similar colonization holidays such as American Thanksgiving Day and Canadian Thanksgiving Day as well.

It never really caught on as anything more than a counter protest. That is until Trump got involved.

In 2020, Trump referred to it as an example of how “the radical left is eradicating our history.” After 4 years of left-wing insanity where they protested and pulled down statues all across the country that did not comport with their present way of seeing things. Among all the confederate and presidential statues they were pulling down, they added the Columbus anger to the fire.

And like magic, when the looney left took over the government, Joe Brandon (in 2021) made Indigenous People’s Day a National Holiday. And it is celebrated with as much enthusiasm as the other holiday they declared on June 19th.

Looking at it, it takes some serious effort to not say that these two new holidays are not exactly what Trump said in 2020. Every time I see and hear the left making changes like this, I am reminded of another important year – 1984.

In another ironic point, while I have almost no emotional bond to Columbus Day, there are other groups of people who do. Namely people from Puerto Rico. They celebrate Discovery of Puerto Rico Day (by Columbus) on November 19 as well as Columbus Day in October. The local Puerto Rican Community here in Reading, PA have held a parade as long as I have been here. And as a voting block, they have always been particularly Blue and on the left.

Strange bedfellows to be sure.

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