Wednesday August 28, 2024

– Third Quarter Moon Phase – realign, revise, reorient, surrender, complete

8/28/2024 @ 7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Pluto – May 2 – October 12
  • Saturn – June 30 – November 15
  • Neptune – July 2 – December 7
  • Chiron – July 26 – December 29
  • Mercury – August 5 – August 28 RETROGRADE ENDS!

– Moon in GEMINI – Void of Course 3:14 AM – 4:47 AM moving to Cancer

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac)  – Aug – 28th – 29th – Get Married, Mow to Slow Growth, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Brew Beer

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – August – 28th – 29th – Plant seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Most favorable days for planting beets, onions, turnips, and other root crops.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe, God of the South – Waves and Music

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in LEO SUN/MOON –  13 LEO: an old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage    (EARTH –  13 AQUARIUS: a barometer)

SUN – 06 VIRGO: a merry-go-round

EARTH – 06 PISCES: a parade of army officers in full dress

Lost in Translation

As I noted yesterday, I will be deep diving the subjects of the Hermetic and Universal Laws. I had also noted that I began this back in 2022. As I began rereading the Kybalion, I realized where I was distracted. It is truly written in another language. The words are all English (for the most part), but strung together as gobbledegook.

The Questions to ask yourself when faced with a piece of written gobbledegook are:

1) Am I too stupid to understand this?

2) Is the writer too stupid to write intelligent information?

3) It is written in a version of the language translates badly into modern English?

As for translations, I have a lot of experience with that. In College, I took an English Lit class. Little did I realize when I took it that it was old English lit. But I figured it out pretty fast. Our first book was Beowulf, in Old English. I have the first 10 or so lines of the poem below:

Hwät! we Gâr-Dena      

in geâr-dagumþeód-cyninga      

þrym gefrunon,hû þâ äðelingas      

ellen fremedon. Oft Scyld Scêfing      

sceaðena þreátum, monegum mægðum      

meodo-setla ofteáh. Egsode eorl,      

syððan ærest wearðfeá-sceaft funden:      

he þäs frôfre gebâd,weôx under wolcnum,      

weorð-myndum ðâh,ôð þät him æghwylc      

For most this is true goggledegook. It seems either in a completely different language or just a bunch of nothing strung together.

In this case, there is a trick to it. You must read it out loud and understand all the odd punctuation. When read outloud, it starts to make sense. You also get an appreciation of where parts of the English Accent come from.

For that class, we also read The Faerie Queen and Paradise Lost, both of which were just as dense. And the answer with both was also to read them out loud. And when you have the patience, they can be both understood and appreciated.

Reading the Kybalion, I found the same issue. It is written in English. The words all work together and you can understand them. But you tend to read to the end of a sentence and find that you are completely lost.

The subject of Mentalism itself was well covered around the turn of the century (1900 that is). Victor Segno wrote the book The Law of Mentalism. I am including a passage about mentalism and ask you to read it once:

The principle of mentalism.

“The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.” —The Kybalion

Mentalism is the harmonious action of the three most powerful faculties of the mental organization. The first of these is Thought, the second, Etheric Energy, and the third is Will.

Thought is the intelligence which is collected by the brain for the use of the mind, from such passing mental vibrations as are in harmony with it.

Etheric Energy is the force generated in the brain by the process of thinking. It is upon this force that thoughts travel from the cells of the brain to their destination.

The Will is the operator and director and dispatches and guides the thoughts to their respective stations.

Thus, Thought conveyed by Etheric Energy, and guided and controlled by Will, becomes a power of such magnitude that neither material nor distance are a barrier to its transmission.

Thought produces energy and energy creates force, which in turn produces action and motion. Thought through motion displaces the atoms in the air which surrounds the body, thus causing vibrations or thought waves in the atmosphere. A weak thought makes only a slight displacement just as a faint breeze sways but gently the leaves o f the trees; while strong, forceful thoughts displace the atoms over a greater area.

Marconi , the inventor of Wireless Telegraphy, says that a word or its equivalent creates a vibration in the air just as a pebble thrown into a pond creates a ripple in the water, and that this vibration travels with the speed of lightning to the terminus, however distant, and makes itself known and felt by every telegraph instrument that is tuned in harmony with the sender. In the same manner a thought from the brain o f one person travels on despite all resistance until it is taken up by the brain or brains that are in harmony with the mind from which it was sent.

from The Law of Mentalism by A. Victor Segno, 1902

Now I will ask if you understood all of it, or are you scratching your head? Did you find yourself rereading it? Are you questioning about your own intelligence?

I find Segno much easier to understand than from the Kybalion:

“Substance” means: “that which underlies all outward manifestations; the essence; the essential reality; the thing in itself,” etc. “Substantial” means: “actually existing; being the essential element; being real,” etc. “Reality” means: “the state of being real; true, enduring; valid; fixed; permanent; actual,” etc.

Under and behind all outward appearances or manifestations, there must always be a Substantial Reality. This is the Law.

– from The Kybalion Chapter IV The All

Now ask yourself the questions I offered at the beginning.

Than ask yourself whether understanding the gobbledegook is part of the understanding.

Part of my task in understanding the Hermetic and Universal Laws will be in working on a decent translation. Making is simple. Because if you cannot explain is simply, how are you really going to understand it?

As for Mercury Retrograde:

Mercury Retrograde has ended today! Exactly what does this mean? This little graphic explains it well. The whole process has not exactly ended. We are just not in the backwards part of it. We are not reliving and moving backwards. We are forward again, but in the post retrograde shadow.

The post-retrograde shadow is the period that occurs after a planet’s retrograde motion has ended. It’s a time when some believe that clarity of thought and decisive action can be achieved.

Here are some things that may happen during the post-retrograde shadow:

The post-shadow phase can bring clarity of thought and decisive action.

The post-shadow phase is a time to review the issues that were causing confusion and slowing things down during the pre-shadow and retrograde periods.

Final decisions
The post-shadow phase is a third chance to deal with matters and make final decisions about how to move forward.

Emotional work
The post-shadow phase may provide clues about the emotional work that needs to be done.