Tuesday July 16, 2024

Tuesday July 16, 2024

– First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression

7/16/2024 @ 7:00 AM EST

– Retrogrades in 2024 – 

  • Pluto – May 2 – October 12
  • Saturn – June 30 – November 15
  • Neptune – July 2 – December 7
  • Chiron – July 26 – December 29
  • Mercury – August 5 – August 28

– Moon in SCORPIO – Void of Course 9:10 PM – 9:25 PM moving to Sagittarius

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac)  – July 16 – Hatch Eggs, Travel for Pleasure, Advertise to Sell, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Increase Growth, Dig Holes, Kill Plant Pests, Cut Firewood, Wash Windows, Wean, Potty Train

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – July 16th – 18th – Barren days, neither plant nor sow.

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year:  20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe, God of the South – Waves and Music

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Cancer SUN/MOON – 15 CANCER: a group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it   (EARTH – 15 CAPRICORN: in a hospital, the children’s ward is filled with toys)

SUN – 25 CANCER: a leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power

EARTH – 25 CAPRICORN: an Oriental rug dealer in store filled with precious ornamental rugs

About Last Night

Last night I was somewhat reeling from the revelations from the day’s news cycle. 1) The assassination attempt – and the expected and unexpected responses to it. 2) The Documents case – and the expected calls for Aileen Cannon’s impeachment or assassination. 3) The Choice of JD Vance for VP.

JD Vance is a complicated political figure. He cannot be pigeonholed. Grew up poor. Did drugs. Family broken from drug addiction, drinking and poverty. They all swear and talk like fully Hill people. Turned his life around. US Marine who fought in Iraq after 911. Graduated College and Law School. Clerked for Sonia Sotomayor. Family traditional Democrats. Married an Indian woman from an immigrant family.

And the complication is that this is all out in the open. He wrote about all of it in a book. The book was made into a movie. It both honors the working class Democrats and rebukes the policies of the Democrats for ruining these same working class lives.

When the movie came out, it was met with absolutely crazy reviews. It was released in Theaters, but went direct to ObamaFlix. It was a Covid year release in 2020. It was directed by Hollywood darling Ron Howard and starred (supporting) Glen Close.

The critics on the left HAD to trash it because it was deemed a right wing story. Glen Close received an Oscar Nomination (did not win). ObamaFlix won the rights to the movie, and then realized it would not follow their politics.

Rich Elites on both sides cannot relate to the story or to JD Vance. He is a poor Hillbilly who can talk as articulately as any of them, with a Yale Law degree. Like Joe the Plumber and Hilary’s Basket of deplorables, he makes the uppity Limousine Liberals look like fools.

Now both sides are trying to figure out how to spin him.

Last night, instead of watching the silly convention, I fired up ObamaFlix and watched JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy. I do not have a membership to that platform. But like most Americans, I have access to it.

If you have not seen it, watch it (I have seen it 3 times). Even better, get the book it has much more meat to it (I read it once before the movie).

After the assassination attempt, this makes the biggest story of the election cycle so far. And the Left Wing spin patrol is after him now (digging up old dirt about how JD Vance once called Trump Hitler).

Definitely this makes this election season something to watch. And if you want a great story, Check out Hillbilly Elegy.