Friday April 5, 2024
– Balsamic Moon Phase – release, transform, healing, forgiveness, prepare for the new

– Moon in AQUARIUS – Void of Course 1:40 AM – 7:13 AM moving to Pisces
– Mercury Retrograde – April 1 – April 24
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – April 5th – 6th – Get Married, Castrate Farm Animals, Mow to Slow Growth, Wean, Potty Train, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Brew Beer
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – April 5th – 6th – Set strawberry plants. Excellent for any vine crops, such as beans, peas, and cucumbers. Good days for transplanting. Favorable days for planting root crops.
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: – 01 ARIES: “a woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her”
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Pisces SUN/MOON – 21 PISCES: a little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant (EARTH – 21 VIRGO: a girls’ basketball team )
SUN – 17 ARIES: two prim spinsters sitting together in silence
EARTH – 17 LIBRA: a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor
Astrological Year End
Today we enter the final phase of this lunar cycle and this Lunar Year. It is the Balsamic phase which is known to be dreamy. It is a time that we look back at the past month (and year) and prepare for what is to come.
If you follow the lunar phases, this has been our process since the beginning of this cycle on March 10th – the final cycle of the past lunar year.
I have suggested everything from Prepping to buying you next year’s Astrological Calendar called The Cycles Calendar. This is the follow up to Laura Walker’s EMP Proof Calendar which she introduced last year.
I spent this year using the EMP Proof Calendar. It is a valuable resource that gives you the daily aspects to pay attention to. It also offers space to takes notes about what has been happening. Whether it is world event, personal happenings or whatever.
I have personally used it to review things that have happened in the last year that were worthy of paying attention to. Illnesses. Financial issues. Births. Deaths. All of these events have an effect on our lives. Some personal. Some universal.
I have spent the past 12 years looking for a calendar that i could use for just this purpose. This is the best one so far, and I highly recommend it.
In addition, I shared advice from Phoenix earlier this month. It was a book called The LDS Preparedness Manual: Handbook 2 – Provident Living 2012 Edition.
LDS Preparedness Manual 509 page FREE download:
I have been reading this preparedness manual (I love Prepper books BTW like The Lost Ways and The Boy Scout Handbook). And it is a fantastic resource. The Mormon’s have it on most of us in being prepared for the end of days. And even if you do not believe that things are going to hell in a handbasket, their advice is spot on for everyday living. I recommend the download!
And if you are interested in the Phoenix’s Patriot Intel Report, you can find it at Buy Me A Coffee.
Charts for the New Year
Know Yourself. Know the Universe. This gnosis is the basis of understanding more about our place in the the world. Your energetic signature is imprinted on you at the time of your birth. You chart shows the position of the Earth and its aspects to the planets. Each of these exerts a magnetic and gravitational force on us. Studying Astrology can explain what these influences are to you.
The beginning of the Astrological Year (at the time of the New Moon in Aries), imprints a specific energy for the year. Comparing your chart to the New Year Chart can give you an idea how it will affect you.