Wednesday March 20, 2024
– First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression

– Moon in LEO –
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – March 20th – 21st – Travel for Pleasure, Host a Party, Get Married, Entertain Friends, Mow to Increase Growth, Dig Holes, Kill Plant Pests, Cut Firewood, Paint
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – March 19th – 23rd – A most barren period, best for killing plant pests or doing chores around the farm.
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: – 01 ARIES: “a woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her”
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth , God of the North
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Pisces SUN/MOON – 21 PISCES: a little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant (EARTH – 21 VIRGO: a girls’ basketball team )
SUN – 01 ARIES: a woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her
EARTH – 01 LIBRA: a butterfly preserved and made perfect with a dart through it
I often talk about prepping – specifically preparing for the eventuality that the shit hits the fan SHTF or The end of the world as we know it TEOTWAWKI.
Actually, Astrogardens started with that in mind. In my life at the time, I was starting my backyard garden in the Spring and it gave me something to write about. Gardening in that light is considered one of those lost arts – no longer taught in school.

For me, what I knew about gardening came from my dad. Our house in Southern California had a lemon tree, a juice orange tree and a concord grape vine. seasonally we would plant tomatoes and spinach and anything else he could get to grow.
For my part, I was in charge of keeping the lawns mowed and making sure the plants were watered.
But anyway, for my present backyard garden, I asked the question: What did people plant in their gardens when the shit really did hit the fan? The Great Depression of the 1930’s and 40’s. At this time, the popularity of the Victory Garden came into practice.
So I asked, what do I need to plant to have a Victory Garden? Consider how many people in your family and how much you think you need. Then decide against those veggies your family wont eat (turnips). And also, the ones you may like a little more.
For me, I have tried a lot. Our favorites are tomatoes and peppers, cucumbers and zucchinis, beans and carrots and lettuce all have worked. In the best of years, we canned pickles and tomatoes.
Since we live in farm country in Eastern Pennsylvania, we also can a lot of fruit – apples, peaches, strawberries, blueberries. We can get them cheap and they taste a whole lot better than from the store.
Far From Prepping
As I found, our little victory garden has never been up to the task of feeding our family. But it was the beginning of a lot of study about the process of prepping. Thinking about storing food is part of it. But also in collecting stocks of necessities just in case the world shut down.
And then 2020 happened. We faced lock down and food and food shortages all around the world as a result of the government response to the c0r0navirus. We had jelly and applesauce saved. As well as a lot of frozen meat. We never went without. But we did have to deal with shortages and the inconvenience of not being able to find all that you wanted.
I think we had it better than many. I personally did not have a problem going out in public shopping. It was inconvenient. People were super weird. But I was able to find most of what we needed without a lot of running around. This was a year we really worked on storing food. Supplies (mason jars and the like) were hard to find. But we had enough. And local fruit was easy to get. And cheap.
I think that living through the plandemic shook a lot of people for a lot of reasons. We had to live through a lockdown with limited resources and serious social and government threats for non compliance. And the normie population realized that they just were not ready to face such a situation. Maybe a few more of us will be more ready to face it in the future.
Why Today?
This week we began planning the garden for the year. Last year I started very late (Mid June) due to a back injury I had in May. Planting here in the spring is iffy. We can get frost into May. So I am not always in a hurry.
This year, though, I will be tilling the patches by next week and planting soon after. I have plastic to cover anything in case of frost.
As with so many things, I like to say there is something in the air. Yesterday on the Patriot Intel Report, Phoenix offered a piece of advice. It is a book called The LDS Preparedness Manual: Handbook 2 – Provident Living 2012 Edition.
The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.
Proverbs 27-12
The LDS part of that title stands for Latter Day Saints – The Mormons. Funny thing about the Mormons. I grew up on a street with 3 Mormon families. The kids were my best friends. Many of them still are.
Were they a little different? At times yes. The families were close knit. Their lives revolved around the church. And, as I recall, they had an absolute obsession with the end of days. And each family had their stockpiles of water and supplies stored for just such an event.
Seeing that they had a book for prepping seemed to be a perfect fit with what I knew about them. Since Phoenix went to the trouble of sharing the electronic version, I decided to download it. I am about 50 pages in to this 50 page tome, and I have to say it has been well worth my time. Admittedly, it is a little preachy. But the advice is golden, should you want detailed advice about preparing for the end of days.
If you are interested, you can get it here:
LDS Preparedness Manual 509 page FREE download:
And if you are interested in the Patriot Intel Report, you can find it at Buy Me A Coffee.
He, like Laura Walker of Oracle Report, has opted to move to paid subscription. And their reason? Protection from censorship. They were both pretty much chased off of Youtube. By removing themselves behind a paywall, the integrity of what they say remains safe. And $5 per month is well worth the daily advice.