Saturday-Sunday October 21-22, 2023
– First Quarter Moon Phase – step out, take action, breaking away, expression

– Moon in CAPRICORN – 10/22 Void of Course 2:00 AM – 2:06 AM moving to Aquarius
– Retrograde Planets 2023 –
R- Saturn – Jun 17 – Nov 4
R – Neptune – Jun 30 – Dec 6
R – Chiron – Jul 23 – Dec 26
R – Uranus – Aug 28 – Jan 27
R – Jupiter – Sep 4 – Dec 3
– Orionid Meteor Shower 10/20 – 10/21
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – October 21st – Cut Hair to Increase Growth, Castrate Farm Animals, Dig Holes, Cut Firewood, Bake, Mow to Increase Growth, Wean, Potty Train, Wax Floors
October 22nd – Dig Holes, Castrate Farm Animals, Paint, Kill Plant Pests, Host a Party, Cut Firewood, Potty Train, Mow to Increase Growth, Wean
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Oct 19th – 21st – Plant tomatoes, peas, beans, and other aboveground crops, indoors in the North and outdoors in lower South.
Oct 22nd – 23rd – Poor planting days. Kill poison ivy, weeds, clear land, but no planting.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – Goddess of Beginnings and Endings – Tara, Goddess who Guides, Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest Desire)
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias, God of the West
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in VIRGO SUN/MOON – 22 LIBRA: a child giving birds a drink at a fountain arena (EARTH – 22 ARIES: the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires)

28 LIBRA: a man in deep gloom; unnoticed, angels come to his help
29 LIBRA: mankind’s vast enduring effort to reach for knowledge transferable from generation to generation
28 ARIES: a large disappointed audience
29 ARIES: the music of the spheres
That’s Entertainment
Sunday afternoon I am sitting and watching football. On the East Coast, there is an early afternoon game then a late afternoon. And frankly, I was indifferent to all of them.
So late afternoon game starts and I keep it on the same channel I was watching the early game. 5 minutes in, the camera focuses in on one of the fan boxes (where rich people sit). And lo and behold, its the Taylor Swift Cam. And I think, Oh crap. I am watching the Chiefs. and that idiot is going to grab airtime and disturb my afternoon.
Immediate change channel.
Now if you have been blissfully ignorant of the football season this year, then good for you. It’s a pass time. You would think that the lamestream media had never seen a celebrity before in their lives. But Taylor shows up – sexually linked to the Chiefs Tight End Jason Kelsey – and they are wetting themselves.
And why not. She became the Left Wing’s poster child in 2020 when she came out of the closet and made a political statement – and admitted she hated Trump. Since then, she has done everything from lecturing about Climate Change to running voter registration drives at her concert.
I can’t imagine that a billionairess would be doing it for the money. But then you ask yourself who might just be pulling the strings behind her. Just another thing to watch.
As I am writing this at 9:50 PM during the halftime show of the Sunday Night Football game, wouldn’t you know it. As they are showing the scores of the Chiefs game, there she is again. Cheering on her man. That’s entertainment.
Some Good Advice from a Meme on Facebook
I do not know who said or write this, but it made me feel good.
Drink water where your horse drinks, a horse will never drink bad water.
Make your bed where the cat sleeps peacefully.
Eat fruit touched by a worm. It fearlessly collects mushrooms on which insects perch.
Plant a tree dug by the mole.
Dig a hole where the birds hide from the heat.
Sleep and wake up at the same time as the birds, you will reap the golden grains of life.
Eat more greens, you will have stronger legs and a resilient heart like the spirit of the forests.
Look at the sky more often and talk less so that silence can enter your heart, and your soul is calm and your life is peaceful.