Happy Monday! March 21, 2022

–Full Moon Phase – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience
– Moon in SCORPIO–
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – March 21st – Can Fruits and Vegetables, Jar Jams/Jellies, Mow to Slow Growth, Prune Trees, Go Hunting
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – March 20th – 21st Start seedbeds. Good days for transplanting. Excellent time for planting root crops that can be planted now. Also good for leafy vegetables.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess of Mirrors
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth– God of the North, God of Enlightenment
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Pisces: “ a sword used in many battles in a museum ” (& “ 13 VIRGO: a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria ”)
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”
SUN – 01 ARIES: a woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her
EARTH – 01 LIBRA: a butterfly preserved and made perfect with a dart through it
Thanks Andrew…nice to be reminded ♥️