Happy Monday! December 27, 2021

– 3rd Quarter Moon Phase – realign, revise, reorient, surrender, complete
– Moon in Libra
– Retrograde Planets – Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Venus
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – December 26th -27th – Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Mow to Slow Growth, Entertain Friends, Get Married, Host a Party
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – December 26th – 27th – Plant flowers. Fine for sowing hay, fodder crops, and grains. Favorable days for planting root crops.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Shodashi, The Goddess Who Fulfills Highest Desire.
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Sagittarius: “a widow’s past is brought to light” (& “a world-famous pianist giving a concert performance”)
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”
SUN –06 CAPRICORN: ten logs lie under the archway leading to darker woods
EARTH–06 CANCER: game birds feathering their nests
Happy Monday! Doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness!
Dr. Fauci’s Twelve Days of Christmas |
A Real Hallmark Ornament
I discovered this through my friends at Age of Autism
Dr. Fauci’s Twelve Days of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, a devastated world economy.
On the second day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the third day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the fourth day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the fifth day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the sixth day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, six suppressed treatment options. Five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the seventh day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, seven new COVID variants, six suppressed treatment options. Five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the eighth day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, eight million dead, seven new COVID variants, six suppressed treatment options. Five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the ninth day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, nine fraudulent studies, eight million dead, seven new COVID variants, six suppressed treatment options. Five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the tenth day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, ten days of quarantine, nine fraudulent studies, eight million dead, seven new COVID variants, six suppressed treatment options. Five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the eleventh day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, eleven Gain of Function definitions, ten days of quarantine, nine fraudulent studies, eight million dead, seven new COVID variants, six suppressed treatment options. Five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
On the twelfth day of Christmas Dr Fauci gave to me, another twelve months to flatten that curve! Eleven Gain of Function definitions, ten days of quarantine, nine fraudulent studies, eight million dead, seven new COVID variants, six suppressed treatment options. Five lab leaks in Wuhan! Four captured federal agencies, three useless but mandatory vaccines, two FDA approved toxic drugs and devastated world economy.
And on Another More Uplifting Note
I stepped outside this morning to snap this picture. I had to stand just inside the doorway as I was in my underwear and I noticed my next door neighbor at her back door doing the same thing. It was breathtaking.