Thursday November 25, 2021
– Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back
– Moon in Leo
– Retrograde Planets – Pluto, Neptune, Chiron
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – November 24th -25th – Dry Fruits and Vegetables, Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Quit Smoking, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Perform Demolition, Paint, Wash Wooden Floors, Kill Plant Pests, Dig Post Holes, Mow to Slow Growth, Pick Apples and Pears, Ask for Loan, Entertain Friends, Host a Party
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – November 24th – 28th – Grub out weeds, briars, and other plant pests.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Kamala, Goddess Who Transcends Limitations, Goddess Who Leaves No One Behind
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias – God of the West
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Libra: “an inventor performs a laboratory experiment” (& “a porter carrying heavy baggage”)
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”
SUN – 04 SAGITTARIUS: a little child learning to walk
EARTH– 04 GEMINI: holly and mistletoe bring Christmas spirit to a home
Happy Thanksgiving to all. As an American Holiday, this is one of my favorites.
Why you may ask. In a word, Turkey! It is my absolute favorite meal of the year. I love the turkey. I love the fixins. All of it.
I remember one year when I was growing up. I was sick on Thanksgiving. I remember smelling the food all day. Wanting to sit down to supper. And in the end, I had to walk away. I could not watch as our family enjoyed the turkey together.
This year we were a little worried. Around Halloween, we started getting hit with C0V1D. Our oldest daughter brought it over. She was exposed at work Forget the fact that she caved to the vax las spring. Her Husband and the inlaws fell next. The 3 vaxcin8ted got sick, but tested negative. The 4 who did not . . . 2 tested +. The other 2 untested, but all the symptoms,
Funny thing though. In out direct household we were hit very mild. Like a cold . . . and no taste or smell.
All that said, we can be thankful for the holiday and we are all ready to dig in – taste intact!
Being Thankful!
The holiday for me has always been more than just the Turkey. It is a day that is all about family. Growing up, we always went to Grandma’s house. And with the exception of the year she put raisins in the stuffing, my memories were always wonderful.
But since I have had my own family, the family dinner has been what it is all about. Sitting around the table and telling everyone what each of us is Thankful for..
Seems a little corny? I hope so. And Corny in a great way.
This year, we will be missing 3 of our children – off with their inlaws. But I want to share some of the experience of thankfulness.
Sharing 2 Special Thanks
Sharing the Thanks. I came across a couple things that I wanted to share with all of you this Thanksgiving.
First, I came across an article that I wanted to share that embodied all that I have always wanted to accomplish by asking what we are Thankful for. I was written by a friend of mine, Jeanie Marshall. And she gave me permission to share it with you all. It reminds us all to say Thank You.
Thanksgiving Reminds Me to Be Thankful and to Say Thank You
An Article By Jeanie Marshall
The Thanksgiving holiday in the United States begins what most people call “the holiday season.” Other countries have their own celebrations, but at different times of the year. This American holiday, which happens in November, is traditionally a family/community effort, celebrated regardless of race, religion, or national origin.
Be Thankful; Say Thank You
I woke up the other morning thinking about the power of feeling and expressing thanks. During the Thanksgiving holiday, people use a variety of approaches to give thanks. Some people who do not naturally say “thank you,” do so a little more easily at this time of year.
I’ve been pondering the difference between “being thankful” and “saying thank you.” The first is a state of being, a state of mind; the second is an action, an expression with words.
It’s possible to be thankful and say thank you about a person, place, thing, idea, or nothing in particular. Of course, it’s also possible to be thankful and not express thanks and it’s possible to express thanks and not be thankful.
Variations on Being Thankful
In particular, I like the energy and concept of “appreciation” when I consider the state of being that’s filled with thanks. When in that state, there’s no real judgment, but an energy that feeds the one who is appreciating even more than the object (if any) of appreciation.
“Thankfulness” and “Gratitude” seem to be most associated with specific people, places, things, or ideas. When choosing those words, generally people are thankful or grateful FOR something.
I don’t intend for this to be a word game, but an attempt to use words to achieve a deeper meaning. Being thankful as a way of seeing the world is a powerful perspective.
Variations on Saying Thank You
Words of gratitude, thanksgiving, and appreciation vary. Many times, a simple “thank you” will be powerful. As a little girl, I said “tan tu” and lit up the faces of those around me.
“How wonderful you are!” and a thousand other variations are also expressions of gratitude, thanksgiving, and/or appreciation.
“You did a nice job” can be the perfect expression of gratitude, thanksgiving, and/or appreciation in the work place, especially where warm words of loving appreciation are not the norm.
Saying some form of “thank you” can energize your own day as well as someone else’s. A smile without any words is another powerful expression because it acknowledges and appreciates the presence of a person. And waking up smiling can place you in the consciousness of thankfulness for the day.
Today, are you thankful? To whom do you want to say thank you today? (HINT: Remember to include yourself and inanimate objects like your car and computer.)
Copyright © 2008 Marshall House. All rights reserved. Jeanie Marshall, Personal Development Consultant and Coach, has developed Empowering Personal Development at to encourage you on your path.

A new holiday tradition
You and your family can join the rest of us this year.
The Thanksgiving Reader is something we can all do together, transforming our holiday into something even more memorable.
Download the file, print it out and become part of it. It’s free.
Have a wonderful holiday.