Tuesday November 23, 2021

Tuesday November 23, 2021

– Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back

– Moon in  Cancer 

– Retrograde Planets – Pluto, Neptune, Chiron

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – November 22nd -23rd – Brew Beer, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Mow to Slow Growth, Go Hunting

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  November 21st – 23rd Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets, and other root crops where climate is suitable.

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Kamala, Goddess Who Transcends Limitations, Goddess Who Leaves No One Behind

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias – God of the West

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Libra: “an inventor performs a laboratory experiment” (& “a porter carrying heavy baggage”)

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”

SUN – 02 SAGITTARIUS: the ocean covered with whitecaps

EARTH– 02 GEMINI: Santa Claus filling stockings furtively

A Question Of Bias – In the Media That Is

Anyone who tries to make the claim that the media in our country is not biased is truly is either Clueless, Lying or not paying attention. And how the Clueless and Lying among us are getting away with it are beyond my understanding. We have all been exposed to the idea of propaganda and how insidious it can be.

And While I, myself did not see how bad the movie Top Gun was as a propaganda tool to make the US military look sexy until it was pointed out to me, this type of propaganda is rife throughout our entire life. I think you will see less of the “Rah Rah,”  “Go USA” type of stuff now. It will look more like “Do you know how Climate Change affects your choice of Underwear.” Just start counting the number of times you hear the words “Climate Change” in the media each day. Try it. It is Eye opening.

But that’s just the Introduction. I want to point out something more insidious.  And that is bias. The media is trying to tell a story. But not admit to it. So they hide it within a story. I am going to show one specific example and then suggest you look into a few others.

Pardoning the Turkey

Every year since President Lincoln, there is a bizarre ceremony where the President of the united States grants an official Pardon to a living Turkey – to save its life from the Thanksgiving table.  I point this out today as I saw the excited “news” group from CBS giggling and laughing about the Turkey’s Biden is pardoning this year – names Peanut Butter and Jelly. It was quite a frivolous event – fun and cute!

If you want to read about it, please check out this heartwarming story from NPR

President Biden pardons turkeys, Peanut Butter and Jelly, ahead of Thanksgiving

NOW, I would like you to read (or at lest look at) the similar stories from 2020 and 2019

2020 – Trump Pardons Corn The Turkey, Trying To Show Normalcy Amid The Abnormal

2019 – President Trump Pardons Pair Of Turkeys — The Strange Truth Behind The Tradition

2018 – President Trump Pardons 2 Thanksgiving Turkeys

Now you do not have to read them all – the fact is they are ridiculous fluff stories. But they show the important pattern I am trying to point out. And that is the very specific bias that is shown against President Trump and in Favor of Mr. Biden.

I took these stories from NPR – NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO. This is a Government Funded organization. From this source, you would expect at least neutrality. If not, you might expect a bias toward the government IN POWER. BUT they have taken sides. In the Biden story, it’s a party. It’s Tradition. It’s time to celebrate the presidency, the President, the pomp and circumstance.  In the Trump stories (and I added three years to show that it was that way from the beginning) it was divisive. They pointed out the stupidity of the tradition. They pointed out faults with the speech. They brought up the headlines against the president that were circulating at the time.

This is the kind of insidious bias present when the people who are writing and reporting allow their own opinion to seep into the story. They show positivity toward the things they like and agree with. They spread shit on things they do not.

If you choose not to believe this, I would suggest you  do a little deep dive on a couple subjects:

Decorating the White House for Christmas – see the 4 years of criticism heaped on First Lady Melania Trump and the decorations she spent her own money on. Then look for ANYTHING Jill Biden is doing.

First Lady Fashion – Melania Trump was a Super model. She wears high fashion gowns. The media trash her. Jill Biden wears a house frock from Kmart with a matching mask (actually there was a designer name on the dress, but you would never guess it). The media swoon. And we need not discuss Michelle Obama’s frightening couture or Hilary’s pant suits.

Kennedy Center Honors – Where the “cultured” set come out each year to celebrate someone special. The Obamas – and every past president – have sat in the balcony of honor. The Trumps were pretty much told that if they showed up, the people being honored would not come.

NBA, MLB, NFL Winners – Tradition held that with winning team is honored by a White House Dinner and Reception. Under Trump, teams or players openly boycotted. Think of the hate thrown at Tiger Woods and Tom Brady for speaking to Donald Trump.

This is the soft way that the institutional left works. Politics is downstream of Culture. And the Left plays big and plays mean in entertainment.

I found a list of types of bias. Link to the article is below. This is what we must Pay Attention to.

  1. Confirmation bias. This type of bias refers to the tendency to seek out information that supports something you already believe, and is a particularly pernicious subset of cognitive bias—you remember the hits and forget the misses, which is a flaw in human reasoning.
  2. The Dunning-Kruger Effect. This particular bias refers to how people perceive a concept or event to be simplistic just because their knowledge about it may be simple or lacking—the less you know about something, the less complicated it may appear.
  3. Cultural bias. Cultural bias, also known as implicit bias, involves those who perceive other cultures as being abnormal, outlying, or exotic, simply based on a comparison to their own culture.
  4. In-group bias. This type of bias refers to how people are more likely to support or believe someone within their own social group than an outsider.
  5. Decline bias. The decline bias refers to the tendency to compare the past to the present, leading to the decision that things are worse, or becoming worse in comparison to the past, simply because change is occurring.
  6. Optimism or pessimism bias. This bias refers to how individuals are more likely to estimate a positive outcome if they are in a good mood, and a negative outcome if they are in a bad mood.
  7. Self-serving bias. A self-serving bias is an assumption that good things happen to us when we’ve done all the right things, but bad things happen to us because of circumstances outside our control or things other people purport.
  8. Information bias. Information bias is a type of cognitive bias that refers to the idea that amassing more information will aid in better decision-making, even if that extra information is irrelevant to the subject at hand.
  9. Selection bias. This bias refers to the way individuals notice things more when something has happened to make us notice that particular thing more—like when you buy a car and suddenly notice more models of that car on the road.
  10. Availability bias. Also known as the availability heuristic, this bias refers to the tendency to use the information we can quickly recall when evaluating a topic or idea—even if this information is not the best representation of the topic or idea.
  11. Fundamental attribution error. This bias refers to an individual’s tendency to attribute someone’s particular behaviors to existing, unfounded stereotypes, while attributing their own similar behavior to external factors.
  12. Hindsight bias. Hindsight bias, also known as the knew-it-all-along effect, is when people perceive events to be more predictable after they happen. With this bias, people overestimate their ability to predict an outcome beforehand, even though the information they had at the time would not have led them to the correct outcome.
  13. Anchoring bias. The anchoring bias, or focalism, pertains to those who rely too heavily on the first piece of information they receive—an “anchoring” fact— and base all subsequent judgments or opinions on this fact.
  14. Observer bias. The observer bias occurs when someone’s evaluation of another person is influenced by their own inherent cognitive biases. Observers, like researchers or scientists, may assess the outcome of an experiment differently depending on their existing evaluations of the current subject.
