Sat-Sun September 18-19, 2021
– Gibbous Moon Phase – trust, analyze, prepare, digest, alchemy
– Moon in Aquarius – Void of course 9/18 5:14 AM t0 4:22 AM moving to Pisces
– Retrograde Planets – Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – September 18th – 19th – Cut Hair to Increase Growth, Start Diet to Gain Weight, Potty Train, Wean, Wax Floors, Cut Firewood, Dig Holes, Mow to Increase Growth, Castrate Farm Animals, Get Married
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – September 18th – 19th – Extra good for vine crops. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Shodashi (The Goddess Who Creates Form) and Matangi (Goddess of the Wind)
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe is Coming with the Solstice – God of the South
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Virgo: “A fine lace ornamental handkerchief” (& “an officer drilling his men in simulated attack”)
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: –“A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”
SUN – 26 VIRGO: a boy with censer serves near the priest at the altar
EARTH – 26 PISCES: a New Moon reveals that it’s time for people to go ahead with their different projects
SUN – 27 VIRGO: aristocratic elderly ladies drinking afternoon tea in a wealthy home
EARTH – 27 PISCES: a Harvest Moon illuminates the sky