24 – Day 1 – Watch the sun rise in an unusual place

I am always looking for inspiration for writing. And in this case, I have been neglecting by writing on this blog. I should not need reasons to do this.

Reason Why

It follows a reasoning I often offer to friends and clients called Reason Why. we often need to express a “reason why” when we want other people to do things.

Consider this. You say to a friend, “Let’s go out to lunch.” They may say sure. They may not. Instead, say “Let’s go to lunch at this cool little cafe over on main street I noticed. I am hungry and I wanted to try it.”

By offering some details and additional information, the idea sounds a little more enticing. You have painted a little bit of a picture and given a number of Reasons Why the person should agree.

Today’s Inspiration

I came across an article today that has inspired me to start a 24 day writing challenge. The article was a list of 24 things you should do while you are still young.

Now, I am not young in body, necessarily. But I am young at heart. When I talk to myself, I am still in my 20’s. I am revved up and ready to go. I want to go our bike riding or traveling or any number of other things. And, due to time or money or hassle, the idea goes no where. And then let’s not forget that my body isn’t always up for the task.

So if nothing else, I am inspired to review this list over the next few weeks. And ask you to join my journey.

The introduction to the article was:

Youth is a time of tremendous energy and spontaneous actions. It’s a period when time goes so slowly, and it seems that everything is still ahead and life will be eternal. We often tell ourselves, ’I’m still young. I still have time to travel, learn foreign languages, find someone special…’ But we often find that time passes more quickly than we think. So don’t waste your time dreaming about your life — live your dreams!

Day 1 – Watch the sun rise in an unusual place

Scroll through your memories for some of the most amazing sunrises you have ever seen.

Off the top of my head, I remember driving up the central valley of California on our annual trip to Yosemite. We would leave super early in the morning and drive in the dark to avoid traffic in LA and over the Grapevine. Sometime between coming down out of the mountains and around Bakersfield, the sun would rise over the southern end of the Sierra Nevadas and flood the valley with sunlight.

This is a changing memory because it is mixed between a number of different trips up to Yosemite. Each had similarities and differences. They were all filled with the anticipation of our vacation in the mountains. Almost all of them included a stop at Denny’s for breakfast – usually in Bakersfield. One time we made it all the way to Fresno before breakfast. We would play auto bingo and listen to really bad tapes like Neil Diamond or John Denver.

I have no photos of this memory, but thanks to people on the internet, they can be found. And this picture is a pretty good representation of what I remember. Except is it looking South, and we were driving North (a small detail I can immediately see) .  We would generally travel up 99 and this picture looks more like the 5. But you get the idea.

The sunrise outside our backdoor will look more like the picture at the top – tomorrow. Today we do not have snow, but we are looking forward to getting dumped on over the next few days.

I also remember a pretty breath-taking sunrise from a suspension bridge in Bristol, England. I was suffering from jetlag and decided to take an impromptu walk at about 5 in the morning. It was not raining. I had my camera, but did not take any pics.

For the youth excursion, where might you like to see a sunrise? Beach sunrises are always beautiful. This is something I would not have known back when I was a kid in California.



Now, if you want to spoil the list and read them all now, you can read them all by following the link below. I was even more inspired by the name of the blog. For a few years, I wrote another blog called BrighterSideNow. It is a pretty cool name.




Watch the sun rise in an unusual place