January 2, 2019

Wednesday January 2, 2019

BALSAMIC MOON PHASE:  release, transform, healing,  prepare for the new



I have started a diet this morning. Back to my cleanse diet and this time to start out the New Year.

What I follow is called the Real Food Reset. It is a 30 day cleanse that basically cuts out all unnatural sugar. This sounds interesting and not incredibly revolutionary. But as I have found each time I have done it, effective in so many ways.

I will talk more about it in the next month as I follow this adventure.

This is the 4th time I am doing it. Each time, it is for a slightly different reason. This time is as well.

My main reason is to reduce pain in my joints. Not I am not old. But also not necessarily young. I reached AARP age a year or so ago. And at 51, I feel it in my joints – especially my knees. I was not kind to my knees in my youth. I tore both ACL’s and have had 3 surgeries. Arthritis has been part of my world since I was 19.  I discovered after the first time doing this diet, that the sugar reduction and weight loss made the pain go away. Whatever the mechanism, it has worked in the past. I am hoping for improvement in the near future. We will see.