Monday January 13, 2025
– Gibbous Moon Phase – trust, analyze, prepare, digest, alchemy
– Full Moon Phase @5:25 PM EST – illumination, realization, fulfillment, shadow, relationships, experience

– Retrogrades in 2024 –
- Mars – December 6 – February 23
- Uranus – September 1 – January 25
- Jupiter – October 9 – February 4
– Moon in CANCER – Void of Course 11:46 PM – 4:12 AM 1/14 Moving to Leo
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) January – 13th – – Brew Beer, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Go Hunting, Mow to Slow Growth, Slaughter
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – January 11th – 13th – Plant seedbeds and flower gardens. First two days are best planting days for aboveground crops, especially peas, beans, cucumbers, and squash where climate is suitable. Last day is a good day for transplanting. Last day is also a most fruitful time for planting beets, carrots, onions, and other hardy root crops in the Deep South.
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: – 20 ARIES: a young girl feeding birds in winter
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – The Destroyer
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in CAPRICORN SUN/MOON – – 10 CAPRICORN: an albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor (EARTH – 10 GEMINI: an airplane performing a nose dive)
SUN – 24 CAPRICORN: a woman entering a convent
EARTH – 24 CANCER: a woman and two men castaways on a small island of the south seas
Happy Monday! Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
The mainstream news has no idea what to do with themselves with what is going on in Los Angeles. Too much is hitting them all at once and they cannot control the narrative.
- There are horrible fires in Southern California
- The fires are fueled by Santa Ana Winds, a regular occurrence in Southern California
- California has been “known” to be in a drought (to be real though, it is a desert)
- The last 2 years have seen record snow in the state of California
- Liberals in California present a clear majority of voters in the state.
- The controlling party has changed the voting laws and redistricting to create a super majority of political power favoring the Democrats.
- Gavin Newsom (California’s governor from the San Francisco Bay Area) is the poster child for California Liberals
- Political control in Los Angeles is firmly in the hands of the Hard Left.
- The State of California (the Democrat Leaders) have changed Land and Water policies to support an extreme left Climate Change agenda.
- For Forestry this includes policies of allowing leave, brush and undergrowth to remain and decay in its “natural” state.
- For water policy, it means rerouting water into what they consider more natural pathways – breaking down dams and reservoirs to allow the natural flow (in their minds this would be in order to protect native species of fish including Salmon and specifically the Delta Smelt-a silvery little guppy)
- In LaLa land, the newest in a line of many far-left mayors, has been battling serious crime issues (caused by homelessness due to the Brandon recession, their status as a sanctuary city having accepted millions of migrants into Los Angeles)
- As has been shown, the New Mayor (don’t remember her name and don’t care) blew her budget on DEI hires and policies, allowing critical water infrastructure to be unfunded and fire protection staffing to be cut significantly.
- Then she went on vacation to Africa knowing the Santa Anas were brewing and there would be trouble in the southland.
It was a perfect storm. And the storm hit with predictable results. But did anyone think it would destroy a huge swath of the Rich and Famous’ homes?
And if you ask me, here is the reason that this has taken the news by storm. Let’s face it, Hurricane Helene did much more damage and devastated a much larger area that these fires. But a victim list including Mandy Moore, Anna Faris, Milo Ventimiglia, Paris Hilton, Jeff Bridges, Bozoma Saint John, Mel Gibson, Billy Crystal and Diane Warren help to elevate the media interest over a bunch of back woods MAGA republicans in the North Carolina Mountains.
Now it’s not nice to publicly lay the blame at the feet of California’s beloved liberal leaders. But hey, when it is this obvious it is kinda hard to hide. But they will try. And thus the conundrum of the liberal media.
Last week I read a very enlightening editorialization about Climate Change written by Ashe in America on Badlands Media. I am including it here unchanged because it does a fantastic job of laying out the entire fraud called Climate Change. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
The LA fires have renewed true believers’ declarations that “climate change is real!”
I never understood that progressive battle cry. Of course climate change is real. There were ice ages (allegedly) and now there aren’t. The climate changes. Really.
Back in the early 2000s the claim was “man made global warming is real!” That was more in dispute but only as a matter of degree. No one denied the existence of pollution, only the extent to which the hysteria was justified. Industrialization in all its forms has environmental impacts. This is not in dispute, but it’s also not an effective message for globalists – the main culprits of pollution via industrialization.
What they really mean when they say “climate change is real,” is “man made global warming is the leading cause of climate change, it’s killing the planet, and we must radically change everything about our lives — stop eating meat, get a tiny home, green energy only, no fossil fuels, etc. to solve it. The science is settled!”
Now, this is very much in dispute. It’s not based in fact or science but in a globalist desire for centralized power and control — of the world. It’s world domination and subjugation via weaponized empathy. “You’re killing the planet by not letting me control you! Why do you hate the planet?”
Globalists want you to change everything about your life. But when it comes to how they will change, it’s a different matter entirely. Their efforts focus on “net zero,” or, economic offsets. They can offset the environmental impact of their industrial pollution by paying more money, but you? You need to embrace plant-based protein, cycle instead of drive, limit your consumption, and abandon not just your preferences but the very concept of you having preferences. For the planet.
It’s a scam. Climate change has always been the umbrella op for the expansion of global communism. Unfortunately, there are true believers among us, raised on this fabricated hysteria their whole lives, and they will continue to demonize your burger, shame your SUV and, in some extreme cases, light themselves on fire for the cause of the climate. The brainwashing has been effective but, thankfully, it doesn’t appear to be as widespread as they’d ostensibly hoped.
If you encounter one of these in the wild, just tell them climate change is a scam.
As a Side note: I am trying to decide whether something I saw on CBS Mornings was a good or a hilarious thing. My Happy Monday message was already published when they aired a segment about preparedness – interviewing an important person in a uniform showing the basics of creating a Go Bag in case of an emergency. I guess they have to start somewhere . . . or just appear to be starting at least.